07. the problem of the past

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IT QUICKLY BECAME EVIDENT THAT SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH TENKO DAYS AFTER HER MEETING WITH SUKUNA. she was noticeably more sluggish than usual, and not her normal self.

even eyebags were becoming more and more present, lack of sleep making itself obvious in her appearance.

tenko had refused to see yuji, whenever she saw him in the hallways she would instantly walk the other way. wanting to avoid sukuna as much as possible.

only tenko, and presumably sukuna, knew what was going on with the girl but she never said a thing and didn't give sukuna a chance to see her state.

with sukuna demanding the boy to find her and let him out constantly bothering the boy he had basically made it his mission to try and talk to tenko.

"you just want to see her, right?" yuji questioned, again. "i can't let her do that again, or we'll both get in trouble and you know what could happen..."

the mouth on his cheek scoffed, "just find her." he demanded, over and over again. if seeing her was the last thing he did, he wouldn't care.

yuji sighed to himself, thinking about how he was actually obeying what the king of curses tells him. even if it was his body, it felt like sukuna was the one who owned it.

but with his initial search failing him, and quite quickly, he had given in to a random thought inside his head. ask someone if they've seen her.

though it could be one of the dumbest things he's ever thought of; especially since he was the vessel for sukuna. who would tell him where she was when they knew of their history?

"hey, megumi can i ask you something?" he wanted to ask megumi first, hoping that maybe he would know and cut his search short.


yuji took a deep breath in, "have you seen tenko?"

megumi deadpanned. "no. why are you even asking, you're supposed to stay away from her, you know."

"yeah, i know that... but look sukuna-"

it was as if he's been blessed during that moment, megumi clearly not giving up her location but another person doing so...

"fushiguro," it was nobara, and her hands looked to be dripping with water. "could you find gojo? tenko needs help right now."

megumi turned towards the girl, sighing. "yeah, okay, and did you have to say that in front of him?" gesturing to yuji, who nobara just noticed was standing there.

her mouth gaped open from her ignorance, perhaps needing glasses. yuji didn't stay silent for long, though. "what's wrong with tenko?"

the pair looked at each other, not moving until megumi just shrugged and walked off to find gojo. nobara was the last one there, and would have to be the one to tell the boy.

"okay, well um.." she wasn't sure where to start, or what to even say. considering that sukuna would also be listening, of course.

speaking of the devil, "what's wrong with her." he demanded to know, his eye appearing and opening one of the slits under yuji's eyes; his mouth too.

nobara groaned aloud, "just come with me, i guess." she quickly took off back towards tenko's temporary room, opening the door and closing it after yuji entered. gesturing to the bathroom and placed her hand on the knob to open the door.

though yuji jumped back, turning to face the wall instead and panicking. "inside her bathroom?? that wouldn't be right! wouldn't she be naked and in the bath if your arms are soaked!?" he blurted all at once, nobara somehow hearing and getting annoyed.

"you're such an idiot. obviously she isn't naked if i asked fushiguro to get gojo, you know.. an adult male?" nobara grabbed the back of his collar, not caring if it got wet, and dragged him into the bathroom.

his eyes falling down on the bathtub which is where tenko floated, and completely clothed in her nightgown he assumed.

"um... what's wrong?" yuji was greatly confused, looking from the floating girl to nobara who sat on the toilet and kept her eyes on tenko.

"i'm not completely sure, to be honest. gojo just told me to watch over her today, and well here we are inside the bathroom. she just filled the tub and got in, not a word said."

"let me take over." it wasn't a surprise to hear sukuna speak, his tone wasn't as harsh but it was still stern. "i need to hold her."

"and why should i let you do that?" gojo was quick to respond before yuji possibly could, not giving him the chance to agree if he wanted too.

sukuna scoffed, "because unlike any of you, i know how to take care of her. so let. me. take. over." he demanded, once more.

the white haired man only grinned, "i don't think so.. i think you're doing good enough where you are."

"but what if he can help her? i mean look at her, she's just floating there and staring at the ceiling. have we even seen her move recently?" nobara tried to help, seeing how sukuna seemed to be sincere during that moment.

gojo only shook his head, "i don't think so. we already know what's wrong with tenko."

"and that would be...?"

"to simply put it, she's dying. again." gojo leaned against the wall, staring at the wall in front of him. "sukuna recognizes it, that's why he wants out. it's not surprising to see that it's already happening so soon."

the room had fell into utter silence, only the sound of water from the bath was occasionally heard. no one knew what to say at the reveal of the girl dying again.

 no one knew what to say at the reveal of the girl dying again

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unedited,, not proofread
3 chapters left !

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