𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙃𝙤𝙧𝙘𝙧𝙪𝙭

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December 22, 1994

Once the two were gone, the first thing Voldemort did was head straight for his bathroom. §Come, Nagini, let us prepare for bed. It has been a long day.§

Over the past couple months, he had Barty renovate the place, bringing it up to its former glory. While the outside still resembled an abandoned mansion, the inside was completely repaired and updated with current plumbing. Still, now that he had a proper body, he could access Slytherin's Castle where he and his Death Eaters would be more protected.

§Is your new form to your liking, Master?§ Nagini asked as they arrived in the bathroom.

§I shall see,§ he replied and gazed at the mirror, almost entranced by his own image, an image that he had not seen in over a couple decades. He had refused to look at himself while trapped in the horrid golem's body, but this...what he was looking at was beyond expectations. By using his own ashes, he'd regain his former beauty, and the special runes inscribed on the bones and on Aster's flesh...

Suddenly, a stab of pain in his magical core took him by surprise.

A young girl, bleeding and crying on the dungeon floor...bound and gagged...

The image flashed across his mind and Voldemort had to brace a hand against the mirror.

§What is wrong, Master!§ Nagini hissed, alarmed by her master's pain.

Snarling in anger, Voldemort forcefully locked those images and emotions behind strong occlumency shields. §Nothing of import, my Lovely,§ he hissed back and let out a shuddering breath.

Nagini didn't look convinced, but he ignored her in favor of studying his new body in the mirror. So with the special runes, he had gained a couple of inches of height putting him at an intimidating 6'4". And he wasn't left gangly either, thanks to the Dursley boy's natural bulk. Instead, his shoulders were broad, his frame strong and sturdy without looking grotesquely muscular. He was also apparently young enough not to have too much white hair, just a few wisps above his temple, leaving him looking distinguished. A quick grooming charm evened out the locks.

The rest of his body was equally impressive. He was stronger, even stronger than a normal wizard, but not overly muscular. He liked the paleness of his skin and would not alter that. Finally, pleased with the results, Voldemort had the tub filled with hot water and sunk luxuriously into it. He let the comforting heat seep deep into his new bones and sighed hedonistically. His first bath in years and it was even better than he remembered it!

Nagini also enjoyed the hot steam wafting her way and soon she was lulled into a light doze.

Just for this decadence alone, Voldemort would reward Barty and Severus very well...he might even toss in a blanket for the girl...

...the girl who was no doubt shivering, her extremities turning numb and blue...hypothermia exacerbated by blood loss was not a pleasant way to go...

Voldemort jerked out of the vision, splashing water out of the tub. Nagini hissed, also agitated. "No!" he scolded himself before the chaotic emotions could bubble up and breakthrough his occlumency shields again. He would have to do something with all these pesky and annoying emotions. Obviously, Marvolo had grown weak over the years, allowing himself to actually care for the girl. It was utterly ridiculous.

§Master, you are troubled,§ Nagini said, sounding annoyed. §It is disturbing my rest.§

§It is the horcrux I absorbed,§ Voldemort explained through gritting teeth. §It doesn't agree with me.§

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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