Chapter 15

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Life has been distant for days now, only she feels happening, actually actual, is when her mind wanders through worlds of fantasy, a whole new universe drenched in her favorite feeling, the feeling of love, which still is distant in real life. Arisha stood motion-less, pacified in front of her mirror, looking at her reflection with all the sympathy she had, her parents would officially be split, divorced maybe a month from now. Love is gone. She would be questioned about who'll be the parent she'll stay with, neither of them, she'd rather stay with Vidihsa. Love is gone. She feels homesick, though she is still with her mum, at home. Arisha hates her feelings altogether at the moment. Love is gone. But here she was, getting ready for school after a three-hour chatter with Ronil on why not skip school.

Her hair was a tangled mess and her facade seemed exhausted, when she processed in her mind, the false situation where she'll have to confront Tushant. An unending super-coil of troubles. Basically, she was asked to avoid him, stay away from him keeping in mind the disasters he's already initiated, as Ronil calls it. And this particular effortless submission might save her from the issues he brings with himself, she'll be freed from the task of sorting her feelings every now and then, and she'll be less troubled. That's the motive for today. "Avoid Tushant with all your might" That's precisely how the checklist on her journal suggests.

However, the most troublesome task was, to share a seat with him and not stare. Walk all the way towards him to sit alongside him and not stare. Never ever stare. Sit across from his class and yet again, not stare. One by one, she failed in accomplishing each of these. The bus journey very much felt like her first day of school, when she was terrified about everything, and he acted all strange and guarded, and she waited for the petty looks he would give her, the nominal chances she'll have to decipher his thoughts. They didn't exchange words, and Tushant was excellent at obeying the task she had assigned him. He was excellently away from her. He didn't waste a second before walking in the opposite direction as her, just as the bus came to a halt. Arisha followed him from the corner of her eyes, tracing each of his moves and not realizing she stood pacified near the staircase as he vanished from her eyesight. She dreaded if this will remain so forever. Averting her gaze from the direction he just followed, likewise, it's accustomed.  He walks away and she's left staring his way. 

Arisha paces towards Ronil's classroom as promised last night, or maybe to find some provocation to accomplish her motive when she was failing remorsefully. Nothing about that day was soothing, as if it was scheduled to break her heart in various manners. Soon her eyes find him, gaping at a senior girl, one she often spots around in the school building. 

"Ro" Arisha calls for him, at her loudest, drawing attention from more than a score of people. He shoots a questioning look at her, shaking his head. He's attempting to act dumb, "You? Here?" Her insides cringed, Does this sound like a joke? Her drilling gaze makes him sit upright and flinch under her eyes as he scoots aside to make room for her on the bench.

"I was awful at it" She doesn't look at him.

"As expected" He states, ignoring the fact that she will hate his following words, Ronil continues, "You said you hate him. And you're so talented when it comes to avoiding people. What spells did he cast over you? You act like a school girl who's got a crush on the most horrid possible boy"

"Horrid?" A gasp with a slight chuckle leaves her.

"So you got a crush, huh?" Mocking

"No, no. I don't want to talk about this...shit."

"That is the problem with you, Arisha you don't talk about anything. I've been trying for years to get you comfortable, to make you open up and talk about yourself. Let the people know about your feelings, especially the ones who care" His hands lift up to his head and he squeezes it gently, whispering, " You can talk to me. I've said this a thousand times and you won't've never uttered a single word in answer to that. Staying alone, closed and isolated won't help you" She doesn't like the way he's reacting, Arisha is isolated, closed, and introverted. And that doesn't bother her, that's the way she is. He knows that better.

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