Chapter 12

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"Hey," Arisha voiced, regret and depression dwelling in her tone. However, she tried her best to conceal it with a nervous smile. Ronil couldn't bring himself to respond. He just kept staring at her, at the notebook she fiddled with, between her palms, and the few long strands of hair resting down on her shoulders.

"Believe me RO?" She consulted and opened the notebook, randomly, "I understand know...Samara"

"Don't cite her, it was nothing about her" He said, chilled tone and cold attitude.

"Who was it about then?" She conferred, her voice worked incredibly hard to keep calm, though, the hints of frustration were sensible.

" Kunal, him. I knew there was a strangeness about him, he kind of-" She intervened because she knew.

" He kind of looked jealous the other day? When he showed up to talk to me about the project?" Arisha paused as if to comprehend her words before adding somberly, "My rejection, actually"

Ronil nodded, flustered and angry, and hurt. Still not looking her in the eye.
Arisha raised her left hand and shoved it into her thick hair, head drooping deep down. She wanted to sit, her knees were unsteady, trembling. This all reminded her of her parents splitting apart, a topic she longed not to think of ever.
" Yet another breakup" Her voice not more than a whisper, " But when did you discover?"

"Oh, that's the worst part" Ronil sighed.

 She stepped aside and let him walk past her, into the house. They strode upstairs to her room, both of their heads hung low. Clicking open her door she propped down on her desk chair while motioning for him to sit down on the 'edge' of her bed. And accepting her proposal, Ronil kicked away his shoes and lay in the bed still staring blankly at her. 'In the middle of the bed.' Gaining eye rolls.

" So it was this Sunday, you must know I couldn't make it to the music class because of some late-night gossip with her..." Arisha shut him up on the particular matter, by waving a hand back and forth. He knew her too well not to take the hint about skipping the explanation. She made him feel immensely sorry for not being available then.

"Alright," He nodded and recited the story further, " I woke up late the other morning, missing my class. And also we made up a plan to hang around, together. I am so sorry for not being available for you then" Arisha nodded, recalling how he had brushed her off to be vacant for a girlfriend who was seeing someone else.

Ronil continued his sob story, while Arisha paid the least of her attention to his words, "We sat across from each other at the cafe nearby her house and she looked dull. I could not find the enlightening feature in her eyes"
These lines coming out of his mouth made Arisha feel nauseous. She incredibly hated Samara, more than ever at the moment. The fact that Ronil still praised her was unexpected.
"It was then I took a sip of her favorite coffee..." he articulated while she cut in," We can leave out the tiny fragments of useless details. You know?"

He sighed.

"OK, so I asked her then if she was okay and she waited for a while, making me wait simultaneously before plucking out her phone from her back pocket and-" Yet again Arisha intrudes,
"And showing you a text, a photograph, a contact?"
"Don't get too restless, you're giving me trouble saying it aloud"
Arisha whined at his remarks and began to move things around on her desk. Ronil scoot himself towards the edge and sat upright cross-legged.

"Samara then opened up the camera on her phone and began scanning her facade, her eyes. Maybe she searched for redness or tinges of tears?"

"God, can she not feel them? Is she suffering from some kind of disorder? Let me guess...did she mention a childhood story, about cracking her head?"
"Ari," His voice demanded attention.
"Of course, I feel bad about your whole thing, and also about poor Kunal, she is a wreck"
"Arisha" He screeched, warning her to get into a serious mood.
"RO, continue and finish it as soon as possible"

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