Chapter 1

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"You know me so well, I guess I can't make it there"

"Come on we already made it there, don't be a dumb Aru, you are going to your dream school....."

"Ya! I know, I know, you worked so hard and whatnot" a moment of silence followed by a comment from a distressed Arisha" Hey, can we not please go to the same school?"

"You know we can't do that, not lucky enough" Swati replied before releasing a sigh" By the way, Ronil is going to accompany you to 'Greenwood high'" Her smug smile was obvious from her speech.

Swati was Arisha's dear, 'dearest' female friend. After all, she had just two friends from her old school, Swati and Ronil, Swati was Arisha's classmate for 7 years back-to-back since they were in the Third Grade while Ronil was her music class partner and both of them have known one another since the age of six. It was during an exam when both of them discovered that they were in the same school and never parted since then. She was vastly surprised when she recognized Ronil leaning on her bench and it was the first time she was not annoyed at finding someone already occupying her seat, instead, she was joyous on seeing her friend at school. Arisha would never share her place with other classmates so that was much of a surprise for her teachers.

"Forget about him, and I'll forget about you too"

"I am sure with 'forget about you' means forgetting your terror, right?"

Arisha rolled her eyes at Swati's not-so-pleasing comment, however since they were not face-to-face physically or on a video call, Swati would never discover.

" You know what, BYE"

" Let's talk later then, Ok?" She said cheerfully, as evident from her voice. She was an optimistic person, and jolly natured, though the con is, she is unpredictable and gets totally mad at certain people anytime. 

After Arisha hung up her phone and attempted for the third time to make Swati change her mind, she gives up. Plopping down on her bed, she threw the blankets all over her body before throwing her phone aside. She lets out a sigh, "My bloody dull fate"

"Hey! Aru" Vidisha called out from downstairs. She is her elder sister who currently is a college student, however, has no plans for studying after getting graduated next year. Vidisha aims at becoming a professional artist, regardless, right now she is cooking dinner for her dear family.

"Sorry for being busy, I'll make an appearance later"

"If you're busy with your blanket and your phone, better show up or get a lecture about your..." Vidisha was cut off, "Can you not award me just a minute?" She hears her sister's muffled shout.

"You need a whole minute" She says in a shrill tone. Just when her sentence comes to an end, Arisha pops her head from behind the half-open kitchen door "Good, could you please get some dishes"

"I was trying to make Swati think differently, better say convincing her, not wasting time on your so-called 'Rubbish' applications," She said while she put a clean cloth on the dinner table and dried out a few dishes.

"I advised you not to talk to her about the topic for the second time" She shakes her head, her brown hair tied up in a neat bun and her slender figure draped in a quirky floral knee length dress, ones that children are fond of. This brings a smile onto Arisha's lips.

"Third time" she corrected. 


"I seriously don't understand why would she prefer anything else over G.W. High, she's gonna miss all the fun and stuff"

"Oh, like you'll be turning the whole school upside down" Vidisha smirked as she knew how annoyed was her sister at the moment. It was Vidisha's favorite job, annoying her, and the most effective way to do that, play puns with her. There was no distant behavior behind the two sisters, they loved each other and knew themselves well. The age gap was no problem for them as it is for so many other siblings who find it difficult to converse because of a significant gap of age.

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