Varinia to the Rescue!

Start from the beginning

The forest was thriving in the heat, it soaked up the rays and was storing that energy. I felt like the sun was stealing my energy. Still it felt good to feel the earth between my paws. I supposed it was important for a werewolf to shift and to run in their wolf form every now and then. We did have an animalistic side, dogs certainly needed to be walked and wolves were far wilder than any dog. Maybe I shouldn't have been so resistant to patrols. It felt good being like this, running like this. It was the truest form of a werewolf.

I took a deep breath in of the forest air. I couldn't imagine a life without it. Even in the heat it was delicious.

As we ran further we encountered another group of wolves on patrol, they were running toward us. I frowned. The routes intentionally didn't cross paths, something was wrong.

The other wolves in my group stopped and shifted back into their human forms. I did the same, nervous.

They approached us also shifting. They were panting heavily. Not a good sign.

"What is the situation?" The leader of my group asked, a burly Delta.

As they caught his breath the other leader replied, "There is an attack on the Hirasawa place."

My eyes widened and I pushed to the front. I demanded, "What happened?"

"I'm not sure but their barrier is down and the myth hunters are pouring in," he replied.

My heart started pounding and I froze with fear. They were all in so much danger. Was this what the myth hunters were planning this whole time? Just how had they managed this? And when would they focus this force on us?

My leader ordered them, "Well you need to get this information back to the pack, now."

They nodded and shifted. In seconds they had scrambled out of sight.

Another male in my group turned to me, "We need to get you back to safety."

"Yes we should all return, we don't know what they are up to," the leader added.

They started to turn back toward the pack.

"No," I whispered.

The leader turned to look at me.

"What do you mean? It's dangerous," he looked down at me.

I snapped my head up at him and put as much power into my voice as possible, "We are going to see if there is something we can do."

Some kind of switch behind the delta's eyes went off and he changed his course as well as the other wolves. I was now the focus of their attention.

"Yes, future Luna Varinia," The delta said and the others echoed.

Despite the fear twisting at my gut I managed to smile. This power was something I could get used to.

I shifted and they followed suit. I changed our direction to the Hirasawa mansion and they followed.

The power of a Luna, it wasn't something like what Caelestis or Ephvangeline had. I guessed Luna Racheal was right in telling me that werewolves' power was in numbers, especially when she could have control over them.

I ran as fast as I could this time. Before we had been going at a careful pace. All care was thrown out of the window now. But I still remembered to keep processing the air I was taking in. I was searching for any kind of myth scent, even if it was myth hunter.

It was a long way to the Hirasawa mansion and I could feel the signs of exhaustion showing in my body but I pushed through. Fear and adrenaline helped with that.

She Wolf will not find her mate. I won't fall in love!Where stories live. Discover now