Something more?

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I had just finished what I would call the best class of my life. I had spent the whole time talking to the Prince. He wasn't nearly as stuck up as I thought he was. I lingered in the classroom not wanting to leave the classroom and be away from him once again.

Besides, Lucius was still asleep beside me.

The Prince was finishing up his notes and I glanced over to the other side of the room to where Shizuka, Sahar and Katsu were leaving. I saw Katsu give Shizuka a peck on the cheek as they left

I quickly turned back to the Prince, "Caelestis did you just see that?"

"No," He looked up from his book, "What?"

"Katsu just kissed Shizuka on the cheek

"Are those two together or something?"

"I don't know..." I thought about Shizuka and Katsu for a second, first thing that came to mind were some intimate moments between Shizuka and Ephvangeline, "I thought they were related and Shizuka was gay."

"They're related but not by blood. And I've never seen Shizuka do anything that implies attraction to anything at all."

"With Ephvangeline, those girls are usually all over each other remember May last year?"

Caelestis looked puzzled, "What are you referring to?"

"They were fighting, you know for class, and Shizuka pinned Ephvangeline and was so close to kissing her," I recalled the memory, both girls went bright red but they lingered. Ephvangeline pinning Shizuka to the ground. There was something between them though.

Caelestis seemed to have drifted off into a memory as well, "Yeah they're so..."

"I mean Ephvangeline is hot so I get that but Shizuka..." I thought of the hideous blue dress she wore to the party, "Nope."

"She does no favours for herself. Her mother is very good looking but Shizuka just doesn't style herself well, she's very conservative. Someone needs to give her a makeover or something so she can be more tolerable."

"Yeah I'm no beauty queen but I can still get all the attention."

"You should help her out, because you're pretty well presented, and at parties when you put effort in you're quite stunning," his eyes drifted down to my legs.

"Aren't you just the smooth talker," I smiled, "But I don't want to hang around the slayer. Besides, I want the guys. I'm not sharing."

Did the Prince just admit that he found me attractive, was he actually interested? Did all my flirting work? I tried to stop myself from blushing like an innocent little girl. I knew what I was doing. I just had never tried something like this on such a high class guy before. Well, it had never gone well.

"It's in your best interests to look better," He said simply.

"If she's ugly it will just make her life even more miserable."

Caelestis laughed at this comment, Shizuka was just a big joke for him it seemed. I just loved the sound of his laughter. It was so addictive, even if I was saying something cruel about Shizuka. He said, "We should organise another gathering sometime."

"Well, if you'd like to meet some real werewolves, come over to mine," I said casually.

Caelestis sighed, "The werewolves at the Hirasawa mansion are such a pain."

"That's because they're loners. They're a disgrace to werewolves. Pack wolves are how we are supposed to be."

"You can hardly count the Amanes, they're disgusting and loathsome," he looked to Lucius.

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