Return to the Full Moon Academy

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The ferns gave a false bottom to the forest, like a flying carpet. Their expanse hid the forest floor. There could be anything beneath them really. It was almost as if they were a hive mind deciding that they would grow at exactly the same height and spread their fronds. They kept the secret of the forest floor.

Powerful paws thundered through the forest. Leaving behind deep grooves in the clay-filled earth.

Big breaths were taken in by huge bodies. Leaving behind clouds of condensation in the cold forest air.

We followed a well-run path. Maybe not one easily recognised to someone unfamiliar, such as a mortal, but to us it was clear as day which way we needed to move. The forest seemed to bend around us as if we were its master. And perhaps we were.

This was our territory.

Five wolves tore down the small path in the forest. We were bigger than any wolf that existed in nature. Not that it was normal for wolves to exist in this part of the world. I was in the middle of the group of course. A gray wolf. Just as big as the wolves surrounding me but They felt the duty to protect me.

Suddenly we all came to a stop.

It wouldn't look like there was any reason to stop. The forest just continued as normal beyond this point. But our scent ended here. This was the edge of our territory.

The wolves in front turned to face me. Their eyes weren't the amber eyes of a normal wolf. They were human eyes. Because they were humans. Or at least half humans.

Their bodies twisted and morphed. Fur disappeared, muscles changed, they stood on two feet. They became human again. Two men stood before us. I couldn't say they looked completely normal, no their features lent to their wolfish side.

They both bowed to the brown wolf beside me.

"Luna, This is the northernmost point!" The one on the right said.

The brown wolf nodded and shifted, she became an older woman. Still strong and powerful yet she had an aura about her that was dominating. She looked at the two in front of her still bowing down.

"That is Luna Racheal to you, and do you think I don't know my own territory?" She looked down the end of her nose at them.

"Sorry, Luna Racheal!" They both yelled together and skittered off out of her view.

Luna Racheal turned to look at me and the last wolf. Her gaze weighed down on us. I looked at the black wolf beside me. He didn't seem too fussed. He honestly looked a little bored.

"I'm waiting," Racheal muttered.

Shifting was as easy as taking off and on a jacket. Though the process from the outside looked painful it wasn't. It felt good having my bones lock into their new positions and to stand on two feet once again. It was as if I was stretching like I had been in that form too long.

In human form, I wasn't so impressive. I was short unlike the giant werewolves around me. Even Luna Racheal was towering over me. The black wolf had shifted as well. He stood like a giant pillar behind me and I tilted my head back to look at him. His green eyes were dull with boredom.

Luna Racheal cleared her throat and we both stood to attention. I noticed the other wolves had slunk away, almost hiding within the trees.

"The Northernmost point. This point is under the most threat right now. This is why we did not come alone and I expect if you are to come here for whatever reason you should do as we have done today. Are we understood?"

"Understood Luna Racheal," I said quickly.

"Yes mother," came the other response.

"Ryan," a warning tone.

She Wolf will not find her mate. I won't fall in love!Where stories live. Discover now