Crimson Hirasawa

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The morning after was met with shame. When I had first started rebelling I would feel that shame so heavily but now I just don't care. This was my freedom and I would do with it what I wanted. Though I wasn't so proud of myself this morning. The Amanes were nothing to be proud of. I would have preferred my night was spent with someone better. Even if Rome was the best of the Amanes he was still one of them.

I walked into the dining room and found Ryan.

"Have a good night?" He asked.

I started to eat, "Look I would invite you but they don't know you. It would be weird."

He smiled, "I'm good for now. I just don't really like those Amanes."

He of course knew them, had met them in person and had heard the stories from me. They weren't always so flattering.

"Yeah but they have a female."

"How do a bunch of rogues get a female?"

That was a question I had asked myself many times, "Luck?"

"That must be it."

Arriving at school I found Yami and Modesta right away. Or rather they found me, Yami ran right up to me.

"Hey shortass guess what?" Yami grabbed my arm.

I twisted out of her grip easily, "No good morning, no how are you?"

"Oh come on Varinia," She grabbed my other arm.

I twisted out of that grip again, "What's got you so excited?"

"I managed to kiss Jun which means you lost," she poked me right in the forehead.

I looked at her in disbelief, "There is no way you managed that."

"She did," came Modesta's quiet voice.

"Yeah so you lose," Yami poked her tongue out at me.

I looked at Yami, she was bragging but I could tell from the flush across her cheeks that it meant a lot more to her than just bragging rights.

"So are you two dating now?" I asked.

She blushed fully, "Oh please he was drunk I doubt he would even remember it."

"What a shame," I whispered.

"I don't want to date that little dork, come on I'm so much better single."

I looked at Modesta, she wasn't buying it either. Yami was a little hurt by this. Even if she wouldn't admit it to herself, us as her friends would know. I put an arm around her.

"Yeah he is a dork."

The dragon flew over the school so we made our way to our homeroom classes. Mr S was standing at the front and he gave me a nod as I walked in, "Nice and early Varinia."

"As always," I gave him a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes.

There was a loud noise in the hallway and the Amanes burst into the room. They surrounded me, Rome putting his arm around me possessively. Lucius ogled Ephvangeline as he walked past her, trying to look down her shirt.

"I'll convert him," Rose told her brothers.

"What? You don't want a boyfriend?" Rome smiled at her, with a hint of malice.

"I do, but I prefer a challenge," Rose said defiantly.

"Well it will be hard enough to even get him to acknowledge you so don't push your luck," Lucius told her.

I looked up at Rome, he mouthed 'Arlen' at me. I looked over at the white haired boy. He was very handsome in a lazy kind of way.

"Even so, Plan B is that I find that guy from last night and skip class with him," Rose sighed.

She Wolf will not find her mate. I won't fall in love!Where stories live. Discover now