Chapter 22: Growth

Start from the beginning

"Honestly, it's weird how this tastes good..." I said as Vira chuckled gently.

"What now mistress..?" She asked as I looked up to the tree and sat in thought.

Now that the promise I made to tougz was fulfilled, I had no idea what to do henceforward.. I became an ocean with multiple river paths attached to it but didn't know which part was the right way to go. What to do.. I didn't want to stay bored.
However I did have three Choices as of now. The first was to continue my search for my mother; the infected bride. I had no idea what she was up to or what she was planning. She could be anywhere at this point either feasting or just killing..
My Second option was to find out more on the church and maybe introduce myself to a big shot if I had the chance. Granted, I would be an instant threat to them. It would only work out if I meet up with someone higher in the food-chain.


I blinked at that thought. Mistaking ranks as the food Chain. That was definitely new. That aside, that was the second Choice I had.
The last choice however seemed more easier and Quicker to achieve. More. Incase of a war with mother if we eventually meet or even with the church, more revenants would be a good advantage to me. Plus I'd get to understand more about my powers.
With a small smile, I decided to go with that choice first. The others could wait. More revenants means more protection and more firepower. But first we would need a lot of dead bodies and zombies. That shouldn't take to long though. However, how many revenants can I make? And what is my limit? Do they have to die recently or can it be extended to those that have died for a long time.


2 months It's been two months since I've started my recruiting... or should I say revivals..
right now the place once known as the cave had changed quite a lot, aside the main cave that had the giant tree which surprisingly had grown even more with its bones stretching around the place and more flowers booming, the staircase that was built before had even more floors upward. The living room was changed to a hospital room and prison room which was right behind the hospital. Above this two was the foods and supply room.

The food wasn't human flesh but an actual meal. It wasn't the best in the world but it was something. This was done so we wouldn't forget we were once humans.
To be fair, all of them were infecteds that inherited the memories of humans. I am the only human that became an infected. So it more or less sounded like an excuse just so I didn't loose my path again.

Finally above that was the main hall, the boxing ring or training area as well as a bar and a shooting range. This was were most of them gathered. Chatting, laughing and sparring. It almost felt like an actual human gathering.

I smiled a bit as I leaned on the iron railing as Vira and Seraph stayed at my side.
Seraph has gotten the nickname Snow Monkey. And to be fair it was very accurate for what he had become.
Within the two months that had passed, he had evolved yet again where he looked almost human. But that wasn't the reason he was give that name by the humans. The reason was because at some point he could change his body, causing an additional arm to grow out of his body on both sides. His skin would instantly turn pale and his eyes blue.
Four blades, four arms, and a hair as white as snow. Hence the name Snow Monkey.

Vira was nicknamed Green snake
This was interesting to me though. But I could understand why. Her ability involves vines and they moved about like snakes. She had become very versatile with her abilities it even surpassed mine. Granted I could use each of the threes abilities, I was nearly as perfect as them.
She no longer looked like an infected, she looked more human like Seraph. An dark ebony hair and a soft dark skin.
However when time is needed, her appearance changes to that of someone wearing a sort of dark suit with vines around it.
Actually no. She looked naked but covered with something I couldn't explain while blue pulsing energy vines grew out from her back. And of course the iconic skin changing to a paler one.

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