Attempt at rescuing the wild man

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Clem: Well I'm glade you did, because I'm here to tell you that I am coming back within the next few days.

Javir: Wait here?!?! Like here here in Richmond!?!?! Does that mean you found Aj!?!?!

Clem: Yes I did. I found him. We didn't come back because I didn't wanna put Aj through a war at his age. He's already seen too much for his age.

Javier: I don't blame you Clem. You made the responsible choice. That's what a real parent does.

This causes a smile to appear on my face, it's nice to finally talk to someone I'm  familiar with.

Clem: Anyway how's Kate?

Javier: She's doing alright. There are times where she always mentions when the time came you would make your return. She really misses your company. You may not be as old as her, but she feels like she can be herself around you. Can't wait to tell her the good news.

Clem: Actually don't tell her just yet. I want it to be a suprise.

Javier: Do you want me to keep it a secret from Gabe too?

Clem: If you want. Speaking of Gabe, how is he?

Javier: Ahhhhh you know, still being the pain in the ass kid who wants to prove himself, so bad. He's still annoying at times, but he's actually been a big help around here. I think he's been trying to impress you for your return.

I felt somewhat weirded out by this, but I just brush it off. Nows the time to tell Javi about the plan.

Clrm: Anyway as much as I would love for this to be juat a social call, I need to be serious here. I need your help Javi.

Javier: What is it Clem?

Clem: We had someone in our group who is a genuine nice guy who got taken away from us the first day he arrived and they people who took them away are horrible people. They call themselves The New Supremecy Union.

Javier: Wait. The New Supremecy Union? Ok quick question here. They guy they took, did he happen to be wearing nothing, but a loincloth?

Clem: Actually when he first appeared here yes he did, but I clothed him before they took him.

Javier: So the rumors are true.

Clem: What you mean rumors.

Javier: Word has been getting out that The New Supremecy Union had a secret weapon build inside of a human, who has heightened senses, speed, strength, and endurance. They say he's like an animal who stalks his prey into submission and swings through trees like that of a gorilla with his battle cry. Never actually seen him yet before. Where currently at war with these people and they say that when their ultimate weapon is ready. They would show no mercy.

This just sends a chill down my spine. I can only imagine what Javi meant by when their ultimate weapon is ready because I know it's referring to Y/N.

Clem: Well that's why I'm calling. Imma need your help to bust him outta there.

Javier: I don't know Clem. Where not really in the best shape right now to go looking for them, besides we wouldn't even know where to look.

Clem: We have a dog that can track his scent. It may be faint, but it's our best shot at finding him and their camp.

Javier: Your coming over here right? Well when you arrive we'll see what happens. We'll need at least 8 people as a search party.

Clem: Forgot to mention that I found a group of my own. I have enough over here to complete our search party. We'll be leaving for Richmond in the morning. It was nice speaking to you again Javi. I can't wait to see you again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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