5. "i feel safe with you"

Start from the beginning

I nod my head understanding

"I know, I totally relate, my bank account looks like a phone number. 25% of my money could solve world hunger"

He smiles. He has dimples. Dimples. I stare for a second.

He looks over "what?" I met his eyes then look away.

"Hmm, oh nothing" he nods, and I look out the window.

We're in the fancy part of town now. There are fountains outside most houses with plant sculptures and big fancy gates.

He pulls into a parking garage that has about 10 cars in it.

He parks completely sideways taking up two spots.

"Isn't that like illegal?"

"Not when you own this whole floor. And 50 percent of this complex"

My lips take the form of an o.

"So which car do you want to test drive?"

"These are all of your cars?"
He nods.

"Holy twinkle"


"Shut up"

I look around at all the cars. There's a g wagon, tesla, jeep wranglers, a car that I don't even know the name of, and 2 or 3 Lamborghinis.

"Uh, the tesla? I heard that they have like safety things or stuff I don't know"

He nods and opens the door

"It's not locked?"

"No need"


He puts his hand on the small of my back, his fingers touching my bare skin.

He leads me to the car and sets me down in it.

"Put the car into gear to start it." He says getting into the passenger seat. I do that "now go backwards"

I attempt to do that. Instead, I end up going too far back I rear end the wall, not doing much damage but enough to cost money.

I squeeze my eyes tight. "Shit I'm so sorry I told you I couldn't drive"

He starts laughing. Laughing.

"Try again Tesoro" Italian [darling]

"You want me to try again? also what does Tesoro mean?"

"Yes, I want you to try again; Tesoro means darling, darling." I nod my head my cheeks feeling warm.

[time skip cause I don't know cars]

I finally managed to drive it without crashing it. it only took 3 times of running in to the wall. getting lodged in between to poles, and rear ended his car that he was driving.

"I did it" I flex my muscles and laugh. Carlos smiles and starts to get out of the car.

he signals for me to get out and I groan. "I don't even want to see the damage I did to the car."

"its going to need repairs; ill be able to pay just give me a few months." more like a hundred months.

"don't worry about it, I have people to deal with" at that he pulls out his phone.

"you have people for everything I bet you even have people to take off your socks."

"Her names Jessica" I turn to look over at him my mouth wide open. he looks at me and does his smile, then he puts his phone to his ear and talks in Italian.

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