And when she finally was done, she walked into the room to show off her new light blue dress. Izuku's eyes lit up as he cried out about how pretty she looked while Sorahiko nodded his head at her appearance.

"You look good," Sorahiko turned his attention back to his Taikyaki in front of him after glancing up at her. He took a bite before he continued with muffled words, "Make sure Yagi takes you somewhere special."

She watched Izuku nudge Sorahiko with a not-so-subtle cough before adding, "You look so pretty!"

"Thank you both," Inko said with a grin. Bewear made a growling noise behind her right before there was a knocking at the door.

Inko brushed her hands down her flowy dress before striding to the door. Lycanroc raised his head up from his resting place on the floor when she passed by. She paused to pet his head as they grumbled under her touch. She opened the door to find Toshinori on the other side in a button down shirt and dress pants.

"H-Hi," Toshinori stumbled over his greeting. "You look amazing."

"Thank you," Inko looked down at his outfit with a smile. "You dressed up very nice tonight."

"Oh, it's nothing special," Toshinori responded before Inko heard a flurry of Pokémon making noise behind her. She glanced to see Izuku and Sorahiko surrounded by his Pokémon friends. Even Dagato, his Shedinja, was watching from his quiet spot on the shelf. She turned back around when Toshinori coughed, "Anyway, we should get going. I made some reservations."

"Reservations? Is it somewhere fancy?" Inko furrowed her brow in worry as she looked down at her dress. It was a bit more casual for a fancy restaurant. "Do I have to change?"

"No, you look... perfect,"Toshinori waved his hands as he reassured her. "It's nowhere too fancy. It's just somewhere that has really good food."

"Well, no time to waste then. Bye, Sorahiko-San! Bye Izuku!" Inko waved with a bright smile back at the two on the couch. The two waved at her while multiple Pokémon cheered back at her. "I'll be back later."

Sorahiko's expression turned serious right as she walked through the doorframe. But his attention was on someone else behind her. "Make sure you don't mess up, kid!"

Toshinori hurriedly shut the door behind her after the older man's hosted at him. She turned to him, worried since his face turned red. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Toshinori's voice cracked a bit, causing him to cough to clear his throat. "Yes. I'm fine. In fact, I'm feeling better than I have ever been before."

"That's good to hear," Inko hummed. She couldn't help but stare at his gentle expression. "So where are we going tonight?"

Toshinori responded with a grin, "I found a nice restaurant that you would like. And afterwards, we could spend some time at the beach."


The dinner at the restaurant was lovely. The roasted chicken and steak platter was so delicious. And if that didn't fill up her belly, the little dessert platter of cakes was enough to make her feel like she was bursting at the seams.

"Ooh, that dinner was just lovely, Toshinori. Thank you," Inko said as the two walked by the beach with the last bits of sunset disappearing into the dark night sky.

Toshinori smiled, "It's no problem for me to treat you like you deserve. Oh, look. The moon is beautiful tonight."

Inko looked up at the same moon he was looking up at to see the bright moon shine in the dark blue night. "Oh, it is!" Inko commented. She turned her head to see the beach side beside them with the moonlight shining down on the waves. "Oh my goodness, look at the water."

Toshinori cleared his throat, "Let's take a closer look. We have all the time in the world."

Inko looked back at him before walking off into the sand. She hurriedly took off her shoes to land her bare feet in the soft sand. She walked directly to the water with Toshinori's footsteps crunching the sand behind her.

"Wow, the night sky is so beautiful tonight," Inko said, looking out into the moon before gazing down at the water. "I like the moon's reflection in the water the most on these kinds of nights. It makes everything feel so peaceful."

Inko watched the waves peacefully for a moment. Then she paused, Toshinori would have answered by now. She slowly turned around with a confused look drawn across her face, "Toshinori?"

Toshinori was no longer standing behind her. He was on one knee with a small black box in his hands.

"Inko, you have been a constant in these years that I found myself being drawn to in more ways than one. I may not be good with words, but I want to say that I love you with all of my heart. And I wanted to ask you," Toshinori paused in his speech. Inko's hand drew up to her mouth as he pulled out a black box from his pocket. "Inko, will you marry me?"


"Oh!" Toshinori exclaimed as Inko dropped to her knees next to him with tears in her eyes. She launched herself forward to drag him into an embrace. His laugh fumbled through his chest, "Thank goodness. I was so nervous."


Inko paused in her hug, wiping at her joyful tears at the sound of a familiar voice. "Izuku? Sorahiko?"

"This is great!" Her son yelled out with Anubis jumping up next to him as they raced down into the sand.

"Yep!" Sorahiko called out on the sidewalk, not stepping into the sand. "And it's nice to see that Yagi didn't mess up!"

Inko laughed while her son raced around them with his Pokémon friends behind him. Toshinori reaches forward to take her hand and place the ring on her finger. She smiled down at the silver band with small emeralds surrounding the diamond in the center.

She had no idea that her life would turn out to be this way. But as she hugged Toshinori close to her while her son's laughter filled the air, Inko knew she wouldn't have it any other way.

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