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Swinging the door open, Jayda stepped in the house leaving dirt trails where she walked.

She had just came from playing outside. Not wit von though, he was currently out town with his mother. Jayda missed him a lot but hey, she can always play by herself. She used to do it before she met von so it's nothing new.

While walking down the hall to her room, she passed her mothers room realizing it was very quiet..

Couldn't be a good thing.

Jayda walked in her moms room to be met with a crying Shanice, laid out on her bed. It made Jayda sad to see her mom cry.

"Mommy what's wrong? Why you crying?" She asked walked towards her to sit on the bed.

"Jayda, baby i need to tell you something" Something about her saying that made Jayda very nervous. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as she thinks.

No need to be worried..right?

"Hmm?" She hummed in response, waiting for what her mother had to say. "Nana has cancer jayda, she's in stage four and we're going down to Atlanta to stay"

Right when those words left her mouth there were tears already streaming down Jayda's face. Nana was her grandmother and she was her number one supporter. She was the one to defend me from bullies before I met von.


"You be good jayda!" My nana yelled out of the car window as I walked up to the front doors of the school.

"I will!" I turned around to yell back before I turned back around to be met with a Kyle. Kyle was a boy who was always mean to be for no reason. I didn't know why he acted like that towards me but..it is what it is I guess.

"Watch where your going dummy!" He pushed me back and hovered over me. I didn't realize that my nana didn't pull of yet. She was actually making her way over here now.

"Get yo lil ass off my granddaughter! I'm bout to whoop yo ass lil boy!" She raised her hand and slapped Kyle in his mouth. One thing about nana, she don't play bout her's.

Kyle had busted out crying, stood up and ran inside the school. Probably to tell someone.

"Jayda come on before I go to jail" Nana grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the car.

Flashback over.

"We're staying? Like moving?" She asked. Don't get her wrong, she was really worried about nana and wanted to see her but then she was also worried about Von.

"Yes baby, we're leaving today i already packed" Shanice answered pointing to the bags that were by her closet.

"What about von? I can't say goodbye because he's out of town!" She cried.

Jayda didn't want to leave but at the same time she did. It was like she had to choose between two of her favorite people but she knew she had no choice but to listen to her mom and go to Atlanta.

"I'll give you time to think while I go put bags in the car" Her mom kissed her forehead before leaving out of the room dragging a suitcase behind her.

"Von is gonna hate me" She mumbled in between her cries. Jayda felt bad enough about nana and she couldn't bare worrying about a lot at the same time considering she was only seven years old.

"Jayda it's time to go baby, I'm trying to get us there as quick as possible" her mom said grabbing the last suitcase she had in the room.

Jayda didn't say anything, she just walked out of the rooms headed to the car. Shanice watched her walk out of the room already knowing what was wrong with her. Of course she felt bad but nana was her grandma. She could see von later on in life, her mother was more important in this situation.

When they both got inside the car it was very quiet. They just were riding in silence but that's how Jayda wanted it. On their way to Atlanta.
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