Chapter Eleven

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Ink let out a big yawn and stretched out his limbs. He pulled the covers off of himself and got out of bed. As soon as he had gotten out of bed he noticed Nightmare asleep in a chair next to his bed.

He was extremely excited to see him. He gently poked his cheek which woke him up. Nightmare groaned, rubbing under his eye. "You're awake." He mumbled.

Ink nodded. "How long were you waiting for me to wake up?"

"Don't worry about that." He stated. "Let's go get you something to eat." Nightmare said.

Ink barely managed to pocket his phone before Nightmare dragged him into a portal.

Ink blinked. He looked around at his new surroundings. He was standing in a dimly lit corridor. Ink had only been in this castle a few times and all of those times had ended in utter disaster. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Nightmare smiling at him.

"Don't worry about them. They wouldn't dare touch you at least while I'm around." He hummed, while wrapping a tentacle around him and pulling him close. Ink's face flushed. 

Nightmare carried Ink into the dining room. Ink stared in confusion at the scene that played out in front of him. He didn't know what he was expecting but this definitely wasn't it. Nightmare's gang was sitting peacefully eating pancakes.

As soon as they entered the room all eyes were on them. Nightmare placed Ink down in his chair and walked into the kitchen. He sat in the chair awkwardly fiddling with his scarf and praying that Nightmare would be back soon. He could feel everyone's gaze on him, his face flushed in embarrassment.

He heard the quiet sound of whispering, he tried to ignore it and stared down at the table. It felt like an eternity when Nightmare had returned to the dining room. He placed a plate of pancakes in front of Ink. Ink's eyes lit up. He immediately dug into the pancakes. He heard Nightmare talking to his group while he was eating. 

Ink wasn't paying that much attention to the conversation until he heard something addressing the elephant in the room.

"So what exactly is your relationship with Ink?" One of Nightmare's team members asked.

Ink wasn't sure of the answer himself. He would like to call Nightmare his boyfriend but would that be moving too fast..


Nightmare's voice broke him out of his spiraling thoughts. His face flushed slightly. "Yess?"

"Can I call you my boyfriend?"

Ink smiled. "Of course, Nighty." He said. A few seconds later he was seen stuffing his mouth with pancakes.

Nightmare's gang was surprised by the news to say the least but they seemed to take it pretty well. Nightmare knew they wouldn't care but Ink was more nervous about the reaction of his boyfriend's gang. 

Ink felt sudden relief. He happily finished eating his pancakes while listening in to the conversation the others were having.

Things soon turned ugly when Killer took something out of his pocket. He dangled it in front of Cross. "Is this what you were looking for Criss-Cross?"

Cross huffed, His face appeared faintly purple. "How did you-"

"You are really bad at hiding things."

"Hey!" He exclaimed while trying to grab the chocolate bar.

Nightmare sighed. He picked up Killer and Cross with his tentacles and lifted them into the air. "Behave." He hissed.

"Aww come on boss!"

Nightmare rolled his eye. "I mean it. We have a guest." He said while placing them back down onto their chairs. "Don't test me."

Ink giggled quietly. He decided to cause some mischief himself. He leaned over in his chair slightly so that he was very close to Nightmare. He gently cupped his face and kissed his cheek causing Nightmare to freeze mid sentence. His face flushed bright blue. "INk!"

Ink giggled but his laughter soon stopped when he saw the faces of everyone in the room. He had the feeling that he had made a horrible mistake. While Ink was regretting his life choices, Nightmare had managed to sneak up on Ink and kiss him. Blushed creeped up onto Ink's face. "Hey!" He exclaimed.

Nightmare just laughed. Ink rolled his eye lights and then went back to eating. His face was still very bright. He felt a small vibration on his thigh. He scooped his phone out of his pocket and placed it on his leg. He glanced at the phone while trying to act like he wasn't.

It was a message from Dream. He was asking where he was. Before Ink could even react he felt an arm on his shoulder.

"You need to go don't you?" Nightmare asked.

Ink sadly nodded. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

Although Nightmare's words were comforting he still felt bad about leaving so soon. "I'll see you again soon moonlight" he mused. He kissed Nightmare on the cheek and left quickly after.


Ink made his way back to the house that he shared with his two friends as quickly as he could. He didn't want to keep Dream waiting any longer.

When he arrived he saw Dream sitting on the sofa with his arms crossed. "I can't believe you just left without telling me! Do you know how long you were asleep for! we were worried sick and you just vanished!!

"I'm sorry I forgot to tell you I left but you're one to talk! You're acting like you didn't disappear for like a whole month!!" Ink yelled.

Dream went quiet. He didn't know what to say.

Ink sighed. I'm going to my room just let me know if you need anything I guess." He mumbled. He turned his back to Dream, walked up the stairs and into his room. He closed the door and plopped into his bed. 

His thoughts were spiraling in his head. He felt bad for yelling at Dream but he was still upset about how he had left him behind so easily. He sighed, laying down on his bed. He was holding a pillow close to his chest, hugging it.

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