Chapter Four

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Ink and Blue were both having a hard time dealing with Dream's disappearance. Especially Blue. Ink noticed that Blue had seemed less cheerful then he did before he was sure the same could be said for him as well. 

A few days after Dream disappeared Ink made tacos to try and cheer Blue up. Well lets just say that didn't end too well. 

Ink was painting, trying his best to keep his mind of Dream but it wasn't really working. Ink sighed. He felt as if everything was falling apart now that Dream was gone.

His mind wandered back to what Nightmare had said. He shook his head. No way. No way he was going to accept help from Nightmare. 

Ink sighed. What was he supposed to do? He had no way to locate Dream and he was tired of waiting for him to come back. What if he didn't want to come back. What if Nightmare was right. No. No he wasn't. He was sure that Dream wouldn't leave them without warning like that. 

Ink jumped slightly accidently painting a line across the canvas. "Go away." Ink spoke quietly. He didn't bother turning around.  

"You seem rather down, Ink."

He groaned. "Leave me alone."

"Oh so that you can mope around, waiting for Dream to come back?"

"I said leave me alone!" Ink hissed. "Just go bother someone else okay?" He put his paintbrush and pallet down and walked over into the other room. Nightmare followed him. 

"Wow, Ink. I thought you would actually want to know where Dream went but apparently you don't." 

"I never said that. You don't know where he is, you said it yourself."

"I don't know his exact location, that is correct." 

Ink sighed. "Just go away."

"I don't think you want me to go away." Nightmare started. "After all I have a hunch as to where Dream is and you do not."

Ink perked up. "Why didn't you say anything earlier!?"

"It's fun messing with you." Nightmare grinned.

He rolled his eyes. "So what's your hunch?"

"You've seen how the multiverse has been acting lately, correct? I have reason to believe it has to do with Dream's disappearance. It appears you are running out of time."

"I know that! Where is Dream?"

"It is likely he is in another multiverse. It would explain why the multiverse is reacting in such a way. If my theory is correct the multiverse will likely fall apart if you don't find a way to bring him back."

"Why are you telling me all this? Why are you trying to help me? It doesn't make sense. You're trying to get something out of this aren't you?"

"Well obviously. I would prefer if the multiverse didn't self-destruct thank you very much."

"Well I guess that makes sense."

"This whole situation has taken quite a toll on you." Nightmare stated.

Ink didn't even try to deny it. Nightmare was right. He had basically been a mess since Dream disappeared. Ink sighed,  and buried his face in hands. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore.." 


"If you right which you probably are Dream is in a completely different multiverse how are we supposed to get him back? How am I supposed to get him back?"

"What do you want me to say, Ink? I don't know!"

Ink's eyes light up. "Oh my stars you still care about Dream don't you? That's so cute!"

Nightmare groaned. He was blushing slightly "I don't. I just don't want the multiverse to crumble idiot. I already said that earlier."

Ink giggled. "Sure whatever you say Night."

Nightmare rolled his eyes. "Can you at least try to take this seriously?" He paused for a second, finally processing what Ink had just said. "Wait what did you just call me?"

"Oh sorry.. I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine." Nightmare snapped.


"Yes now shut up."

Ink smiled. 

He huffed. "Stop smiling."

"Okay finee." Ink paused for a second. "Anyways we should probably try and figure out how it is possible to travel between multiverses. We won't be able to do anything if we can't figure out how to do that."

Nightmare nodded. 

Ink stared at him and Nightmare stared back at him


"Oh nothing.."

Nightmare grumbled. "You can't lie to me, Ink. I can see right through you. Not just because of my magic you are obvious as hell."


Nightmare chuckled.

"It's not funny!!" Ink exclaimed. His face flushed. 

This just made him laugh even harder. 

Ink huffed, crossing his arms. "And for the record I'm not obvious."

"Sure." Nightmare grinned.

He sighed. "Why do you have to be like this."

"It's not my fault you're fun to mess with."

Ink sighed, rubbing his temples. "Like I was saying we need to figure out Dream managed to end up in a completely different multiverse and how to get there so that we can bring him back."

"If anyone has the kind of power to travel between multiverses it would be you, Ink."

"I guess." He shrugged. "I've never really thought about different multiverses before because i've been so busy protecting this one.. but I suppose you're probably right. At the very least it should be worth a shot right?"

Nightmare nodded. "If it doesn't work then we can try to figure out something else but for the time being this is our best shot."

Ink picked up brommie, who was propped up against the wall. He closed his eyes and focused on making a portal. He let his magic use his brush as a vessel and painted a portal on the wall. 

The portal looked almost like water color. The colors were somewhat pastel like and were swirling around each other in a mess of color.

He glanced over at Ink. "Do you think it worked?"

"There's only way to find out!" Ink exclaimed walking closer to the portal. "Are you coming?"

"Of course." Nightmare stated. As soon as he had gotten close to the portal Ink had already disappeared into it. He didn't hesitate at all and walked straight into the portal.

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