Chapter Eight

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nk was awoken by the sound of knocking on his door. He got out of his bed and rubbed his eyesockets. He walked over to the door and opened the door. Blue was standing in the doorway.

"Hey Ink are you feeling okay?"

"I guess."

Blue nodded. "Do you want to go get Ice Cream?"

Ink's eyes light up. "Isn't it too early for that?"

"I won't tell if you won't."

"You're the best. Thank you!" 

"Of course. It's no problem at all. Besides that's what friends do. 

Ink smiled. He walked back into his room and quickly got changed into a brown sweater and a pair of jeans. When he walked back out again Blue was ready to leave. 

As soon as they both got outside Ink attempted to take his paintbrush off his back but soon realized he left it in his room. He quickly ran back inside the house and ran back out with his paintbrush. As soon as he got outside for the second time he made a portal.

They went through the portal and landed in an alleyway in an AU. Ink would usually make portals to areas where no one will see them to avoid arousing suspicion. 

They exited the alleyway and looked around. Ink had purposely chosen an AU where monsters had managed to escape the underground and lived in peace with humans. They could be seen walking around the town living their normal everyday lives unaware of the fact that the whole entire multiverse was on the verge of collapse.

Ink was brought back to reality by the sound of Blue's voice.

"Look Ink!! Over there!!" He said while standing on his tip-toes and pointing at an ice cream shop. 

Ink smiled. They walked over to the ice cream shop. A bell rang when they opened the door. Ink and Blue walked up to the cashier. A bunch of ice cream flavors were displayed behind the glass.

"Which flavor are you going to get Blue?"

"Hey I was going to ask you first!" He said. His cheeks puffed out.

Ink laughed.


"Sorry. You can ask me if you want to."

"So which one are you going to get, Ink?

"I'm probably just going to go with vanilla."

"I thought you were going to go with something more.. I don't know creative?"

Ink laughed. "Like what Banana?"

Blue shrugged.

"Anyways vanilla is a classic though but of course there are other great flavors but today just feels like a vanilla day."

Blue nodded.

"What are you getting?"

"Cookies and cream."

"That's a good one." Ink said.

He nodded.

Ink and Blue ordered their ice cream cones. The waitress who appeared to be a cat monster handed them their ice cream cones and Blue gave the waitress the money. They walked out of the shop. 

"Feeling better?" Blue asked.

Ink nodded while licking his ice cream cone.

He smiled. "Good."

"Hey Boss."

Nightmare sighed.

Killer eyed him curiously. "What's the matter Boss?"

"That's none of your concern."

"Aww come on you can tell me."

Nightmare groaned. "I'm busy right now Killer. Go bother Cross."


"I said go bother Cross."

"Okay but why Cross specifically?"

"I don't know. I was just trying to get you to leave me alone. Obviously it's not working." 


"Are you going to leave me alone now?"


All of sudden the sound of knocking could be heard. Nightmare got up from his chair and walked over to the door. He opened the door. There stood a rather monochrome looking skeleton. 

"Hey Boss. Have you seen Killer?"

Nightmare felt Killer move behind him.

He picked up Killer with one of his tentacles and threw him at Cross. He closed the door.

Nightmare sat back down and stared at a piece of paper on his desk. He sighed, coming to the realization that there was no way this was going to work without Ink. There was no way he was going to work with him after what happened between them. Nightmare would never admit it but he was hurt. He didn't understand why Ink wouldn't just work with him; his plan was flawless and Ink wanted to get Dream back just as much as he did right?

He wasn't sure if that really was the case anymore. Based on Dream's previous behavior there was no way he would come back unless he was forced to. If Ink wanted to get Dream back he would have agreed right? Then why did he lie to him like that and why did he try to stop him from leaving. Nightmare's tentacles fidgeted angrily behind him. He was used to not being trusted but he expected better from Ink he really did. After all they both have the same goal. If only for the time being. 

Nightmare didn't understand why he thought Ink would be different. After all, he was Dream's friend. Stupid Dream. This was all his fault. If he hadn't run away he wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

Nightmare sighed, what could he possibly do now? He can't get to Dream without Ink and there is no way he is going to come back on his own. It is also very unlikely Ink would be able to convince him to come back.

There is barely any choice when it comes to situations like this one. There was only one course of action that he could take.

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