Chapter Five

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Quick A/N:

For the sake of not confusing others and myself

Pre apple incident ('passive') Nightmare = Night

Post apple incident (goopy octopus) Nightmare = Mare

This only applies to when they are both in the same place.

Nightmare looked around at the supposed alternate universe that had managed to get to. He immediately recognized the village they had appeared in.

"Oh great! Not this hell hole again!"

Ink gave Nightmare a confused look.
He pulled Nightmare behind a tree as soon as a monster was about to spot them.

Nightmare rolled his eyes. He could care less if the villagers saw him.

"What was that about?" Ink asked quietly. "You know this place?"

He nodded. "Lets just find Dream and get the hell out of here."


Nightmare grabbed Ink's hand and teleported them to another area in the AU.

Ink stared in awe at the huge magical tree in front of them. ""

"Come on we don't have all day."


Ink followed Nightmare as he walked towards the tree once they had gotten close he noticed Dream. Dream looked happier than Ink had ever seen him, he was laughing happily. It was then that he noticed the other skeleton sitting next to him.

He was wearing a fancy purple outfit similar to one Dream used to wear. There was also a golden crown on his head somewhat like Dream's.

"Who is that?" Ink asked.

"None of your concern."

He frowned.

Nightmare continued walking towards Dream and the other skeleton. Ink followed behind him.


Dream and the other skeleton looked up at Nightmare.

"Nightmare how did you?-"

"We need to go. You need to go. Come on."

"I don't want to go!"

Ink looked at Dream in complete shock. "What?"

Ink felt utterly betrayed. Not to mention extremely hurt. He didn't understand. He didn't understand why he would give up what they had. Did he do something wrong?

Mare and Dream both felt the negative emotions coming from Ink. Mare wrapped one of tentacles around him pulling Ink close to him, almost as if he was trying to protect him from something.

Dream looked at them both a confused expression on his face. "Are you two-?"

"That is none of your business, Dream."


"Dream. You need to come back the multiverse-"

"That's all you care about! The multiverse this the multiverse that! I don't care anymore Ink! Don't I deserve to be happy? Don't I deserve a happy ending!?"


"It's not fair... It's not fair at all!!"

"Life isn't fair. You need to come home." Mare stated.

"I'm not going! You can't make me."

"Oh yes I can." Mare hissed.

At that moment Night walked up in front of Dream. "Get away from him."

"You're so selfish, Dream. The multiverse is self destructing and all you care about is yourself."

"I'm selfish! I'm selfish!? At least i'm not a murderer!!"

"You're going to be if you don't come home. The multiverse is dying at it's your fault." Mare paused looking over at Ink. "Come on let's go. This is pointless."

Ink nodded.

"Wait Ink!"

Ink completely ignored Dream as he walked away with Mare. As soon as they were far enough away Ink sighed, sitting down on the ground.

Nightmare gave him a sympathetic look. "Don't worry Ink. He'll come back. Once he stops being so stubborn and lets what we're saying get through that thick skull of his."

"I've never seen Dream that happy before.." He paused. "Do me and Blue really mean that little to him? I thought we were friends.."

"I'm sure it's not like that Ink. He's just so far stuck in the past that he doesn't even realize how his actions are affecting you."

"Stuck in the past?"

Nightmare nodded. "We can talk about this more later but in the meantime we should go back."

"Alright." Ink said while pulling his paintbrush off of his back. He painted a portal back to their multiverse.

Nightmare and Ink both walked through the portal.

"Sooo? Are you going to explain to me what you meant when you said Dream is stuck in the past?"

"It's a long story and i'm sure you have more important things to be doing.."

"I don't!" Ink exclaimed, while plopping down on a bean bag in his 'art room'.

Nightmare sighed. "About five hundred years ago-"

"Wait? five hundred!?"

"Yes." Nightmare paused for a second. "If you want me to tell you so badly I would advise not interrupting me."


"It's fine. Anyways as I was saying about five hundred years ago there was a tree. It was called the Tree of Feelings. The tree of Feelings wasn't just a normal tree, it's existence allowed everyone across the multiverse to feel emotions. One side of the tree had golden apples which were the embodiment of positivity and on the other side there were black apples which were the embodiment of negativity."

"So like that tree in the other multiverse?"

Nightmare nodded. "There were two guardians that looked over the tree, the guardian of positivity and the guardian of negativity. There was a village rather close to the tree and all the villagers loved the golden apples and the positive guardian more than anything because he gave them positive emotions. In turn they resented the negative guardian for the negative emotions he protected."

Ink gave Nightmare a sympathetic look.

"The villagers hated the negative guardian so much that they bullied him relentlessly and beat him up. They hid this from the positive guardian because they knew how much the positive guardian cared about him. The negative guardian never told the positive guardian what the villagers were doing to him because he knew how much the positive guardian liked them and he didn't want to bother him. So he lied, he lied about the bruises and cuts and the reason he didn't go into the village."

"How did the positive guardian not realize what was happening to him?"

"He was very young back then. It wasn't his fault but he still blames himself for what happened to him."

"What happened to him?"

"I don't think you want to know."

Ink frowned. "I asked you so of course I want to know."

Nightmare sighed. "Maybe some other time I have things I need to do."

"But-" Before Ink could say anything else, Nightmare was already gone.

Another ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora