Random Happy AU headcanons

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I'm bringing this back

- The first time the group met Vine he had short hair. Vine is a bit of a recluse, so when the next time they saw him in person and he had long hair, they were surprised

- Jane, Jeff, and Nina actually get along very well and cause all kinds of chaos together. Liu is the only reasonable one

- They all do Secret Santa every year

- When Gale first arrived, he hadn't started hormones yet, so when he met Vine the first time and Vine immediately got his gender right, Gale was very happy

- Steven is literally the definition of Golden Retriever Boyfriend

- Misha gets mistaken for a girl until they start talking, then everyone is confused

- Natalie goes by Nat in this AU

- Gale and Vine have a rabbit, and Misha has a fucking huge Husky

- EJ in this AU went blind because of a genetic disease, so he wasn't a nurse for long. Lulu was born blind in this AU

Creepypasta Headcanons Book 3 ON HIATUSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ