Curses and Corpses

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"The capital is under attack!"

The shout is enough to get everyone to still. The thick sense of mana in the room quickly flickers and dies as the two captains straighten themselves out and begin to assess the situation.

A Golden Dawn mage uses a powerful earth spell that effortlessly recreates a scale model of the entire capital, aided by his mana sense he is able to pinpoint the exact location of each on going attack.

It's an impressive spell, one that makes Yuno feel small.

"Where should we assign the members we currently have," Fuegoleon hums in thought, placing a hand to his chin as his eyes roam over the scale model.

Yuno can feel himself bristle along with Asta's anxious and unsettled pacing.

He doesn't understand how these people can all sit here so calmly while innocent people are getting hurt.

The spell is imitating not only the appearance of the capital and the mana attacking it but also the voice of the people.

He can hear them crying out in fear- wailing in pain as their so called protectors of the kingdom are just sitting here doing nothing but chat about which areas deserve more defending then others.

"We should be focusing on protecting the castle-"

And that's it.

Yuno's had enough.

He turns his back and begins to walk.

"Yuno?" He hears Noelle call after him, whether she chooses to follow him or not is her choice.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Nozel barks after him.

Yuno glares over his shoulder "you all can sit here and bitch and moan about which rich people deserve protection but I'm going to go and actually do something."

He turns his back and continues to walk.

"As magic knights we've taken a vow to protect the people of the Clover kingdom but it would seem you all think that only applies to the people with money. Do what you want but I won't let innocent people die because my views have been contorted into something cruel and evil."

He can feel their eyes on his back, the heat of their hatred but he doesn't care.

"It's a shame so many of you are cowards," he hears Noelle speak from behind "none of you hear deserve the titles you've been granted."

Yuno feels himself smirk, he's relieved to see Noelle stand up for herself.

He hears the water mage come following after him but to his surprise several more footsteps come along with hers.

He takes one last careful glance over his shoulder.

Klaus and Mimosa trail behind Noelle but so do...

So do Leo and Fuegoleon.

The captain moves in long elegant strides, coming to match Yuno's pace and walk by his side.

"I'd admire your courage young one but don't let your anger make decisions for you. During a battle you must remain calm and weigh each decision you make carefully."

"There's no need to hesitate," Yuno growls "the capital is under attack and people are getting hurt, my decision is to stop it."

Fuegoleon nods "I noble thought but have you planned on how to achieve your objective?"

"I'll find the source of the attack and defeat them."

"And what if they out number you?"

Yuno is about to snap that it doesn't matter, that he will find a way to win his fight no matter the odds but before he gets the chance the captains little brother interrupts.

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