Broken Diamonds

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"Are you sure that spell will hold him?"

"Are you questioning the strength of my magic?" Klaus turns to look at Yuno in offense "it's a sturdy spell that won't be broken by an injured mage; plus I have his grimoire!"

Yuno rolls his eyes "if you say so."

"I'm just glad none of us were seriously injured," Mimosa smiles "are you feeling better Yuno?"

"Fine thanks."

"What about you Mimosa? Are you sure you should be out and about already?" Noelle asks her cousin a glimpse of concern in her eyes.

"Oh yes I'm nearly fully healed now!" she tilts her head with soft lips parted in a smile "I have you to thank for protecting me so valiantly Noelle!"

Noelle looks taken aback by the compliment "don't be ridiculous I didn't do anything!"

"Well you have my gratitude!"

Yuno can tell that Noelle is trying to hide a smile "fine whatever! Yuno do something about yourself"

He blinks at her "what?"

"Your clothes stupid."

Yuno looks down and for the first time he realizes both his robe and under shirt have been shredded nearly in half leaving his left side bear.


Asta snorts.

"My robe," Yuno frowns as he pulls at the fabric.

"Vanessa can fix it when we get back!" Luck grins "besides I think we've got something more important to attend to!"

"Right the treasure hall." Noelle faces the door.

Klaus clears his throat "the Golden Dawn reached the hall first therefore it is our claim, however this once we shall allow you to come along."

"We were going to anyways."

"Show some gratitude brat!"

"You're one to talk."

Noelle taps the door with her fist "how do we get in?"

"There must be some kind of cypher," Klaus mutters as he steps closer.

"Looks like it's made out of magic." Luck looks back to Asta "you should be able to break it with those claws of yours!"

Asta grunts and glances at Yuno who gives him a nod.

His brother rises onto all fours and clumbers his way over to the door, Klaus moving to keep some distance between himself and the curse. His brother swipes his claws cleanly across the door and it leaves a deep cut in its surface.

"That's good! Now do another one on the opposite angle!"

Asta squints his eyes at the lightning mage but follows his instructions, lifting his opposite paw and swiping it until it connects with his first slash. It creates a triangle shape that the curse is able to push his weight into until the stone of the door gives way.

White brilliant light spills out from the door and Yuno is forced to cover his eyes with his forearm.

As the light fades Yuno squints his eyes to gaze into the treasure hall.

The first thing he sees is gold.

So much gold.

The amount of wealth in this room is more then enough to set an entire village up for life. All he can do is gape at it. He can also feel waves of magic poring from various items inside the pools of gold and the amount those alone must be worth should double the value.

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