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"Where is the money ruby"

"You said when you get your pay, you will pay all of your debt"

"I shall call police on you"

"This is your last warning"
The four men circling her, yelling their complains about money she took from them but she have no care, just give a smile and slowly get away from the middle saying "trust me, people I have all cover up. The money I took will be on your account within a week"
  One  angrily shout "you said that last time"
She stop walking backwards and look at them, showing confusion and say "really, I don't remember ,ok! Now you have my words, if I don't pay then..

They stop breathing as she take long in completing the sentence, her eyes we're founding a way to get out from there . As she look a thought come she say " Oh! I don't have no one , my father is going to die soon. May God help me his insurance is much more that will pay all of your money ".

She was just joking about that. he has no insurance and the house is already sold, just she was again fooling the buyer to not having them live here is good for now.

The others get calm by her words and she smirk to herself. Sometimes it's good to take advantage of  sympathies but she also not wish to anything happen to her father because she have no life without the only guardian she knows, she doesn't complain about not having mother but he has be here with her.

As they left her taking her words, jaebum call her, they stop and hear as he say the words that make the ground slip under her feet, "your dad get a heart-attack ruby"

She run fast to her house knocking him by her shoulder but he balanced himself by taking the support of gate at his back.
She knee down in front of him controlling her expression, jae get there helping her with carrying her father.

At the hospital
They get the hospital fast because of his taxi, in her life first time she feel relief that he is a taxi driver. They check in and her father get taken care by the doctors immediately.

The four men were also follow them , it's their curiosity or greedy behaviour she doesn't care. All she wants to "please don't take him from me" She doesn't want to pray but her ego is not great then her father. Jae held her shoulder in tight grip making her stable.

She sigh and look at all of them now she is angry at herself for saying those words and if that's become reality then she will not forgive herself.

As she was about to drop her all anger on them a nurse stand there calling her "mam, please fill this form if you are related to the patient and pay the bill as soon as you can".

She nod and then look at the bill making her eyes got wide, she was horrified by the amount of this hospital taking " Did you take us in private, bum"she whisper yelled who look lost about what to say. In panic he just thought "hey! You dad need serious care, I just found this one near"

She take a long breath now she want to replace herself in place to her father, really this becoming so much to suffer in her young life.

The four quietly talking and look back at her, she and jae look back confused about their behavior.

One of them say "ruby, we understand you are in a tight situation. We think that we help in pay your bill but in one condition".

Jae already started to shack his head signals her to not hear them. She has no choice so she just nod.

" You will pay , in two days Or you don't then the police will arrest you"she intake air so loud, that was like she is setting her soul now. Jae really know what they want to do but she was smarter than them.

She give a weak smile and say "yes, I will pay in two days"

Jae slap his forehead, she can't get this much money in two days and he also have none to help her. Now they really need God to save them.

As all done and her father condition get control. She was looking at her father sleeping face sitting beside his bed,Jae sit beside her and say "you need sleep, go home. I am staying here".

She doesn't say anything, get up and go straight to the " Bar"Jae sigh at he knows her, she drunk more than  him
And now in stress, he pray no one get in her way.

At the bar

She is already drunk and get away from there walking in circles. She found a patrol station, smiling she get there with her bottle of bear in side. It's not free she have dancing shift to pay for this one. But did she care, no.

There have no one so she thought it's really not a big deal when she started to throwing the material of the station's, one stuff was there. He was taking a washroom breake but as he found someone making mess, his face got worried he quick to stop her but she throw him away, taking the pipe where the patrol started to come as she press the button, the worker held his hands high saying "mam,please it's dangerous and you get me in trouble when my boss found about this mess".

She started to laughing at throw the patrol in his direction, he run away yelling " Crazy crazy oh my god, help"

It's like God really hear him suddenly a hand held the pipe from her hand making her frown and turn around quick to pay for the prize for making her piss.

But words can't come out when she found this attractive man, his eyes get wide when he found who she was "jane" He say looking confused and then look at the worker who quick take the thing from her because she have her all attention on him, the grip was lose but as he take it quickly her balance slip. But eunwoo take her in his arms, she smile bright at him "hey handsome" She said making him stop what was he thinking about how she was there.

Both of there heart were beating fast looking at each other faces.

Look who meet now the real story is begin,which one interaction was good. Thought who is for who😉.
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