head and tail

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Seoul a beautiful and big, famous city all people live in there ways but also respectful, but on the other hand Kim mansion also hear a cry of small kid who lost her everything and now is going to be 18 in one week.

Jane was cleaning all house it's her life now she hear all and see every torcher they do to her but only her maid friend who always there for her on misery days and her son who is her Dongsang now they make her live much Bareable.

But sometimes it's got so high her uncle, aunty and their daughter not give one chance to be something good and also her aunty's cousin who always say bad things to her.

Today their family lawyer friend who didn't know anything about her pain because they act in front of him for money was there, atleast now she is looking presentable.

"How are you jane dear" Lawyer uncle ask her , she give a small smile in return but not last when she saw the villains cruel smile to her promising pain in it.

"You don't talk much I see, daughter now you are only heir left in Kim so that all the property going to be yours, on your 18 birthday that is after one week, you please sign here to get today's check" And slid one document to her, she trembling sign it and held the check of money but her aunty was quick to get from her.

"I will keep it safe jane, now you must be tried, go with yuna, she is happy to give you company" Said aunty, jane didn't say anything and go from there.

The lawyer smile at her shy nature, he remember all time when she never say anything but do as say, he want someone like that for his son, he make the relative a conversation about it.

"Mr. Kim, I also want to purpose a marriage offer for jane, I would be happy if you agree it me, my son coming from abroad after completing his studies" The kims just surprise with the news , they want someone like yuna for it not jane so immediately agree with him lie to fulfill it, they thought maybe it can be get their daughter a good rich man.

Jane was washing clothes for the kims, she is so tried without eating, the maid got worries fir her.

"Hyujin, go give this bread to noona, she is hungry but didn't say about it", hyujin happily take it and go to her, jane smile after seeing him, he is so happy kid that make her happy also.

He bring the bread to her mouth to eat and she open her mouth but got push by yuna who was looking at them with a angry face.

" Why are you eating here, you thief our meal, I am going to complain it to mama, she gonna beat you so much", hyujin stand up and give the bread to his noona, he run to the brat yuna and pull her hair, she cry hard calling for her mother and mrs Kim come she bring jane with her hair, hyujin try to free her but jane signal his mother to don't make him come near her.

She beat her hard and lock her in room, saying "you crazy girl, I didn't let you eat before you strave to death, you try to hurt my daughter, I make your life a cruse" And go from there when the house got quite, jane sobs get loud, hyujin goes to close door, apologize his mistake, she only let herself fall on the floor, helpless.

"Why are all of you so cruel, jennie I miss you please come back PLEASE, I will die here" And got unconscious there.

Other side a small town in seoul a tomboy girl, racing with her ages boys, they making mess in all places, one try to bring her down but she push him hard, they goes from all houses, all walls jumping, nocking cycle, she was winning in it but got stop by a muscles and tall man aka her best friend.

"Why are you behaving like these morons, uncle is looking for you come now" Said the guy, the girl run from him to his taxi and got start it, let him there, he looks at it disbelief at her.

She got home in time"appa, I am ho""Ruby" Said an old man who is sick and look at her with in his time of living, he have no one other than her, her playful smile got replace by a sad expression.

"Appa, I got 1000won for the operation you will be got better and will living with me, we got travel other side of town so stay hmm" Said ruby, her father silently cry, his loving daughter that he found by God pray, always held each other, she just talk with him like that, what will she do after his gone.

"I am sorry ruby to troubling you, appa so sorry"" No, you sleep, I will talk to you later bumie is angry with me, I bring his taxi and not let him hehe"the sad atmosphere got light to her line, jaebum reach there, seeing the bond with the father and daughter, his parents is not with him but her also feel here home.

Ruby notice his presence and go him teasing with keys "bumie you want this ".

" J, give me back that it's last thing for my money earning ".

" Ok, first when is my name Ruby then why you call me j I didn't get you and oh keep it, I didn't like your taxi that much, I want a luxury car not that trash"said Ruby, jaebum get the key and shack his head, she really think so big things but the reality is they have nothing.

"You call me bumie am I a dog or something so I call you a later and oh it's from my name that's get easy missy and say my taxi a trash and I will never let you seat there", he left her there, she look at him disbelief and run to him to give some beating, he run away to her.

Both girls living miserable, so did they will meet , did Ruby get her father treatment, jane will she get married to the lawyer's son.


Happy mother's day 💞

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