iv. whenever I went, your shadow was haunting me

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He did not know where Porsche was, he knew only that his son was with the bodyguards somewhere in the mansion. He did not have to look long for little Ae, because as soon as the metal door slid open there was his little son, standing before the elevator without his shoes. He smiled brightly seeing his father, who quickly scooped him up and walked fast towards the outside door.

Porsché was trying to open the door when he heard his older brother's voice.

Porsche was standing with Kinn, both standing way too close to each other. Porsché was looking at them weirdly. Porsche was swearing that no matter what Kinn would do, he will not get closer to him unless necessary. But it did not look like a necessary action.

"Porsche?" The older turned to him and with surprise looked at him and Ae.

His brother was letting this monster into his mind again, Porsché could tell by the look in his older brother's eyes. Kinn somehow, after all those years, could still get to Porsche in a matter of a short time. Porsché swallowed the bile that rose to his throat and gritted his teeth. He had some hope left that Porsche will see reason as soon as the kids are back. Otherwise, he would do something stupid - like staying with Kinn and playing a family.

"I was looking for you. Did you come up with anything? Any trace of them?"

Porsche looked surprised by the questions and looked startled. He looked between Kinn and Porsché and took steps towards his brother to take little Ae from his arms. The child looked unhappy with being once again separated from his father but seeing his uncle he relaxed and was quiet.

Kinn stood next to Arm and Pete, all three of them watching the small family. Kinn for the first time looked at his nephew more precisely. Ae was resembling both his fathers. He could easily see Kim's eyes. All three brothers shared the eyes of their mother. Seems like the genes were quite strong. He noticed that the boy had the same pout that Porsché and the little gesture of playing with something when he was scared or bored.

Kinn could see that the child was bored. Clearly, he got that from Kim, he could remember how many times the little brat stormed into their father's meetings because he wanted to play. Before their mother died, Korn always indulged them; after he was always sending them out with some bodyguards to entertain them. Usually, it was Khun who took his brothers to search for treasures around the mansion or play hide and seek.

"Pol and Big are already searching the cameras around your neighborhood. We hope at least one caught the plates. Maybe faces. Then Arm will put them through the program and we will see where they went," Kinn started. "Every member of the family has been put on high alert. We have connections to other clans. The minor family has been declared as blood traitors. They know the consequences. We will let them easier if they help but so far no one has come forward. They could have not known about Vegas' plan."

Porsche hugged Ae closed to himself, letting the child play with his necklace.

"We will get them back, as soon as possible. They won't leave the country - legally and not. We have eyes everywhere on the borders."

Porsché sighed and nodded. The elevator pinged and Kim stepped out. There was visible anger on his face. Porsché gulped and turned his back to him. Porsche frowned and held Ae tighter as if Kim was about to storm toward him and rip Ae out of his arms. Kinn noticed the movements of the brothers and stood between his brother and the brothers. Porsche noticed it and nodded his head lightly to thank him.

Kim narrowed his eyes and scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked over at Porsche and then at Ae. Immediately his face morphed into a soft and happy mask and he smiled lightly seeing his son. Ae started to twist in Porsche's arms so much that he let go of him and the child ran to Kim, getting picked up.

"Papa where you?" Ae asked with his head tilted.

Kim seemed to think for a second and then smiled.

"Preparing for you to come to see your room. Wanna go with me and see?" He asked the little boy, who heard it, and started to whine to his father.

"Dada I wanna go with Papa! Room Dada!"

Porsché was biting his lower lip, looking at how carefully Kim was holding Ae. After all it was still his son, Porsché hoped he wouldn't hurt him somehow. He sighed and nodded, seeing how Ae proceeded to give him pleading eyes. Ae clapped his small hands and pulled Kim's sleeve to be let down. He grabbed his father's hand, playing with one of the rings on his fingers. Then he slowly moved to Porsché and grabbed his left hand as well.

"We go see the room!"

Kim smiled at Ae and raised his eyes to look at Porsché. Kinn was watching how his brother behaved with his small family and smiled. There was something astonishing in seeing his brother smiling so freely and without any kind of tricks behind the smile. The last time Kinn saw Kim smiling like that was when Khun's doctor told them that he would recover fully. Physically, mentally Khun was a mess.

Porsche squeezed his brother's arm and nodded at Ae. Porsché smiled briefly and then let himself be pulled by both Ae and Kim.

Kinn nodded at Pol and Big, who left after the three. They were alone in the corridor now.

"We will get them, I swear," Kinn said, grabbing Porsche's hand. Their eyes met and both of them could see the emotions that were almost ready to explode. "Whatever it takes, they will get back to you. I promise you that."

Porsche nodded and squeezed Kinn's hand, before letting go and leaving to find a room Khun Korn told him to take and rest. They will have to face the second biggest threat this city could throw at someone, better to be prepared and rested for that.

Porsche walked into the room, it was far from Kinn's and in the guests' part of the mansion. It was plain, with a bed, wardrobe, small sofa and coffee table before it. There was a TV on the wall and under it a cabinet filled with alcohol. On a normal day, he would have drank at least one drink to calm himself down, but in this situation, he just threw his bag on the sofa and left to the bathroom to clean himself up. When he got out, there was a black gift box on the bed. Next to it, there was a similar-looking gun. Kinn gave it to him when he was on the missions with him.

He walked closer and opened the box. Inside was a necklace that looked almost the same as his. But this one had the letter T with it. He picked it up and looked it over.

"My sons are most definitely not the best with their words. They prefer gestures," Korn answered from the door. Porsche turned to look at him. "Kinn had it made for you when you were under the influence of that drug. He believed that your willingness was a sign of the feelings you may possess."

Porsche frowned as he sat on the bed. Kinn's actions and motives made a mess out of his head. This man was like Ying and Yang. He had his moods, changed them often, and usually did things without informing anyone about them. Even people who were involved with those ideas. Why did he choose Porsche out of everyone?

"You challenge him," Korn answered, going deeper into the room. He sat on the sofa and smiled briefly. Porsche said the question out loud, didn't he? "Kinn is so much like his mother but he is trying to be like me. I don't know which one is worse, to be honest. He hides, deceives even. And it's all out of fear. Kinn is simply afraid of being rejected, I was not the best parent after my wife was killed. They took Tankhun, she died, and I... I decided to do everything in my power to protect my children. By pushing them away and deeper into the world I wanted to protect them from."

Porsche looked at the man and for the first time, he saw how tired and how old Khun Korn truly was.

"I do hope to see my grandchildren. If they're like little Ae, they are wonderful," Korn stood; Porsche followed his suit. Korn smiled as he put his hands on Porsche's shoulders. "You and my son, do not destroy everything because of wrongdoings of the third party. You have children together. They deserve to have you both in their lives."

Porsche was left alone in the room, head even a bigger mess than before. 

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