Forty Five - The Reckoning

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Since Klaus had taken the group back to Mystic falls, it confirmed to Derek and Erica that he knew about Elena. He wouldn't let Erica, Angelina and Derek alone so he took them with Kol and Rebekah as he decided to pay a visit to see his doppelgänger. However what Erica was unaware was that while she was gone Elena had threatened Bonnie, Caroline, Matt and Tyler that if they didn't help her she would cause more trouble and harm to their families causing them to agree. 

Jenna, Jeremy, Alaric, Isobel, John, Mason, Damon, Rose and Trevor (who were taking a break from searching for the fourth lover of Erica) knew about this and wanted to help the kids but the kids told them not too and just to focus on getting Erica and Derek along with Angelina home unaware about Kol being awake. 

Klaus had left Rebekah to go look for a certain werewolf with Derek and Angelina while he and Kol were waiting behind a door. Kol had Erica in his arms as Elena walked through the door in shock to see Klaus, Erica and some unknown man beside Erica. 

"There's my girl" Klaus says pissed

"Klaus... Erica" Elena says as Erica ignores her sister and turns her face into Kol's chest. 

She didn't want to be anywhere near Elena but right now she had too. 

"You are supposed to be dead so what are we gonna do about that." Klaus says taunting 

.Klaus please don't do this" Elena says only to be ignored as Klaus grabs Elena roughly by the arm as the all head to the gym. 

"Attention seniors you have all been busted. Prank night is officially over. Head on home please" Klaus says as the gym emptied out. 

Erica and Kol along Angelina went to sit on some benches knowing Elena was watching them pissed before she looks to Klaus. 

"Where's Stefan and what did you do to him" Elena orders and says 

"Stefan is on a time out right now" Klaus says as Bonnie, and Matt come in surprising Erica 

"Bonnie get out of here" Erica says as Bonnie and Matt were in shock to see Klaus, Erica, Angelina and another man with Erica. 

Klaus zooms over to them as Elena looks to Erica who was with Kol. 

"I was wondering when you would show up. Now we can get started. Uh Dana why don't you relax. You and Chad sit tight" Klaus says to Dana and Chad as they walk to the side under compulsion before Klaus looks to Bonnie "I know the reason why she is alive is because of my brother however now that I'm here I won't let anything happen to you as long as you help fix the problem" 

Bonnie hesitates at first remembering that Elena had threatened her family but nodded knowing she needed to help keep Erica and Derek safe and with her along with everyone else. At that same moment Rebekah and Derek come in with Tyler. Erica became worried now about what will happen but calmed down when Tyler looked to her and mouthed it's okay.

"Everyone I'd like you to meet my sister. Rebekah, a word of warning she can be quite mean." Klaus says 

"Don't be an ass," Rebekah says as Tyler walks over to Klaus as Derek walks over to a very confused Erica and Kol

"You see Bonnie every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid they die during the transition. It's quite horrible actually" Klaus says as he feeds Tyler his blood "I have a theory but I need to know if it's the one I think it is and I need you to find me a way to see if it's true Bonnie and for Tyler's sake you'd better hurry" 

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