Forty Three - The End Of The Affair

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Kol, Derek, Angelina, Klaus, Erica and Stefan had all arrived in Chicago the next day because apparently Klaus believed that he could find the answer to his hybrid problem there. Kol all though annoyed that they were in Chicago was happy that maybe here in Chicago he would be able to take Derek and Erica out to buy stuff along with Angelina getting stuff as well.

"Welcome back to Chicago Stefan" Klaus says 

"What are we doing here" Stefan scoffs and asks 

"I know how much you loved it here. Bring back memories of the good old ripper days" Klaus says

"Blacked out most of them, lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are a blur" Stefan says 

"Well that is a crying shame, the details are what makes it legend. Chicago was magical" Klaus said as he looked to Kol who smirked and made Derek / Erica look at Kol questionably.

"Yeah well I'll take your word for it. Like I said, I don't remember most of it" Stefan says 

"Down to business then" Klaus says 

"Why are we still with you? We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean don't you want to move on" Stefan says 

"We're going to see my favourite witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problems it's her" Klaus says as the group heads into the bar. "Looks familiar doesn't it"

"I can't believe this place is still around" Stefan asks as a woman comes out and looks surprised.

"You gotta be kidding me" she says 

"So a hybrid walks into a bar says to the bartender..." Klaus smirks and says 

"Don't try your not cute" she says to Klaus before pointing to Stefan "I remember you"

"Yeah your Gloria shouldn't you be..." Stefan says and stops

"Old and dead? Now if I die who's gonna run this place" She says 

"Gloria's a very powerful witch." Kol says to Derek and Erica who nod as Gloria looks to them with a smile

"I can slow the aging down with some herbs and spells but don't worry it'll catch up to me someday" Gloria says 

"Stefan why don't you go and fix us something from behind the bar" Klaus says as Stefan leaves.

Kol, Erica, Derek, and Angelina sit down at a table. Kol starts playing with Angelina who giggles as Klaus looks to Gloria. 

"You look ravishing by the way" Klaus says 

" Don't, I know why you"re here. A hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kind of news travels fast" Gloria says 

"So what am I doing wrong" Klaus asks 

"It mi..." Gloria starts to say 

"He killed her twin not Erica if that's what you were thinking" Kol scowl and says as Gloria gulps before looking to Klaus who nods. 

"I'd never touch Erica or Angelina even if their part of the petrova family line," Klaus says 

Gloria nods and smiles knowing how much Klaus and Kol have changed because of the Gilbert girl. Gloria sighs and looks at Klaus

Daggers and Roses ~ Kol Mikaelson X OC Gilbert X OC Lockwood [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now