Thirteen - Children of the damned

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The next morning Damon woke up early and went to Stefan's room where he and Elena were asleep and cuddled in the bed. After waking them up and talking to them, Damon headed to Erica's room where she was still asleep. He sat beside her on the bed and brushed  hair off her face. How could someone hurt Erica? She was so sweet and kind so why?

Damon sighed as Erica started to move and she opened her eyes to see Damon beside her. He smiled when he saw that Erica was awake.  

"Morning Eri, did you have a good night sleep," Damon asks 

"Considering what happened last night it was good," she says quietly 

"That's good," he says "but it's time to get up, we have a long day ahead of us"

Erica groans and pulls the cover over her head

"do I need too or can you just drop me at home so that I can lie there all day. You, Stefan and Elena have it handled" she says as Damon takes her cover off her face 

"Sorry Erica but your staying with me for the day then you'll go home" Damon says "don't need that bastard coming after you again."

"Fine," she says as she takes the sheet off and getting up from the bed. 

She groans as she heads to the bathroom while rubbing her belly leaving Damon watching her. He felt upset seeing Erica in this state but all he hoped was that she would be safe because once he had Katherine then he would be gone. 

After a few hours later, Damon takes Erica back home for dinner while working. When Elena's out of the room Damon comes up to Erica who's sitting in a chair in the kitchen eating food. 

"Erica is it real" Damon asks quietly

" Is what real Damon," Erica asks 

"This renewed Sense of brotherhood. Can I trust him?" Damon says and asks and Erica sighs 

"I don't know Damon I really don't. The last time I trusted someone either there was a big truth hidden or I was getting abused so I don't know" Erica says as Damon sighs and moves some hair from Erica's face 

"okay but why are you telling me this I thought you would tell me that I can" Damon asks very confused as Erica chuckles

"Damon I speak the truth only I don't lie and I don't like hiding things from people. If you want to trust me you can otherwise your choice" Erica says shrugging 

"Okay I trust you" Damon says 

"Just.... be careful because even if he's your brother you and him have had a complicated past considering Katherine so it's up to you and Stefan not me and I don't know about Lena. I don't want to lose you or Stefan because of this" Erica says getting up and putting her plate in the sink before heading upstairs as Damon smiles as he goes back to work. 

Later that night as Elena and Jenna are talking in the kitchen. Erica, Damon and Jeremy were playing video games. Erica looked at Damon who was smirking before he rolled his eyes. She chuckled because she knows he can probably here her sister and aunt talking so she pays attention back to the game. 

Just then the doorbell rings. Erica gets up and was about to open it when Damon does instead to reveal a surprised Stefan. He walks in as Damon closes the door and looks to Erica.

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