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2:36 p.m. Tuesday, June 12

Kathleen gasps for air as she seats in the backseat of the Impala. She's confused at how she got there as Dean glances in the rear view mirror, his face utter and complete shock.
"Jesus Ch-" He Jumps in his seat and swerves the car. "How the hell-"
"Noah." Kathleen whispers looking down at the ground.
"Where were you?" Sam asks in an almost concerned parent voice.
"A demon found me and took me away, torturing me until I answered him." Kathleen places her hand on her stomach were she was stabbed.
"What did they do to you?" Sam asks, more like snarls.
"He slid a knife across my stomach making me bleed, he broke my arm-"
"Well how come your arm isn't broken now?" Dean asks.
Kathleen looks down at her arm and back up at Dean and chuckles. "I freed my self from the trap he had me in and-" She stops for a moment, replaying what happened in her mind again. "I sent his sorry ass back to hell."
"You exercised him? How?" Dean asks, but he already know the answer.
"I beat him down and placed the palm of my hand on his forehead, funny thing is the second my palm interacted with him the demon came right out. I didn't have to sit there and try to exorcise it, it was a breeze almost."
Dean glances over at Sam with a worried look, Sam returning the look. They drive in silence for a moment until Kathleen gets an odd feeling that someone comes, then, she knows it's Castiel.
"Castiels coming." Kathleen says in a confident tone, and sure enough, he appeared.
"Hey, Cas." Dean smirks, "Oh look who we found before you." He says in a sarcastic tone.
Castiel turns his head and looks at Kathleen. "Are you ok?" He asks in a sympathetic tone.
"Yea, Cas, I'm great." Kathleen says avoiding his stare.
Silence takes over the Impala as Dean drives past the "You are now Leaving Wichata Kansas" sign. Kathleen glares at all the old oak trees they pass on they're way out of there. Sam looks back at Kathleen and sees the expression on her face, scared, alone, and fear plaster her pale face. Her green eyes that are usually full of life are full of sorrow, and hate.
"Hey, Kathleen." Dean says galncing in the rear view mirror before switching lanes. "What was that demons name?"
"I don't know, he didnt say."
"A demon didnt state his name? Since when?" Dean asks.
"I dont know, truthfully." Kathleen replies. "But he did tell me something that might ring a been as to his name." Kathleen glances over at Castiel.
"What?" Castiel asks with eagerness in his voice.
"He said he was-" She stops and looks down, knowing how Sam will react to this, Sam told her about the whole demon blood Ruby thing, and how he stated and ended the apacolyps. "The brother of Lilith."
Sam looks back at Kathleen then at Castiel, "Is that possible? I mean, since when does Lilith have a brother?"
Castiel looks down at his hands and rubs them together, "It is true. Lilith has a brother. Younger and far less powerful, but a brother none the less." Castiel's gaze motions up to meet Kathleen's. It's quiet for a minute as they sit there sucking this all in, then, Dean breaks it.
"What did you get yourself into, Buttercup." He says quietly and scoffs.
"Kathleen," Castiel says urgently, looking up at her. "How did you escape him?"
"I just-" She searches for words, "I broke free of the shackles and used my abilities to push him down into the ground, I broke his vessels body and sent him back to Hell."
"But how? He may not to as strong as Lilith but not even the average angel can not exorcise him." At this Dean pulls the car over and turns around to face Kathleen, along with Sam and Castiel. Fear, pure fear, is covering Castiels whole face. This isn't good.
"I just-" Kathleen trembles with fear, her body going tense. "I places the palm of my hand on his forehead and the demon almost willingly came out." She feels her face get hot and her vision blurred. "Why? Is-is that a bad thing?"
"Kathleen," Castiel says, taking hold of her hands. She sees out of the side of her eyes Dean and Sam look at Castiels hands and then at her. "Only arc Angels and warrior angel leaders can cast Samuel out of his vessel." He takes a deep shaky breath, "You are more strong than you're supposed to be, Kathleen," He releases her hands, "That's not a good thing."
Fear and worry possess Dean and Sam's face. Dean glances over at Sam and swallows his spit, glancing back over at Kathleen. For you see, when Kathleen becomes twenty-one, she becomes strong enough to kill any being that roams the earth with just a touch to the forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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