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Sam stands there in disbelief, everything he does feels like he's dreaming. He should have known! She had the same nose shape, eye shape, hell, she even made the same facial expressions as Dean. She stands there watching how they react to what she just said. Sam looks over at Dean who just stares at her in bewilderment, as if he knew it all along. Kathleen looks down at the ground, her face becoming a bright red.

"Well um," Sam clears his dry throat, "Kathleen how about you come in, sit down, and we can all talk about this, ok?"

"Ya.." Kathleen says as she starts to walk into the motel room.

The moment she walks into the motel room the overwhelming smell of beer and stale Chinese takeout hits her in the face with a rush of wind. The smell gives her nausea and makes her dizzy; Sam sees her waver and grabs ahold of her shoulders, guiding her too a seat. Once she sits down Sam drags a chair over to her and sits down on it backwards, crossing his arms and exhaling, looking straight at her.

🍀🍀🍀🍀PART TWO🍀🍀🍀🍀

Kathleen walks into the small diner on her mothers arm already thinking about what she's gonna have.

"Katy, do you want the usual?" Her mother asks her as they approach the cashier.

"Nope." Kathleen shakes her head, pointing to the chocolate pie that sits behind the cashier.

"You want a chocolate pie?" Her mother exclaims, "I thought you didn't like pie?"

"Last time I had pie it was an apple pie and Uncle Jack made it, so of course it was disgusting." Kathleen says in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh," Her mother laughs. She turns to the cashier and orders what they'll be having, "A tuna salad sandwich and a piece of chocolate pie please, that'll be all." She turns around to face Kathleen and tells her to go find them a booth.

As Kathleen walks about the diner looking for a place for them to eat she walks by these two men sitting in a booth, one has a regular sandwich and one has a chocolate pie. Kathleen stops in front of their table and looks at the man who has the pie intently.

"I ordered that same pie." She states as she points to the pie. The man looks at the other man sitting across from him and chuckles.

"Oh you did?" The man says sitting up in his booth.

"Yes, I did, and my mom now wants me to go find a booth for us to a it in."

"She does, does she?"

"Yes, we come here when we're not out hunting." Kathleen remembers the silence and tension that surrounded her at that moment.

"What does your mom hunt?" The man asked leaning towards her.

Kathleen catches herself and lies to him, "We hunt animals, you know, animals." She says putting her hands behind her back. "Well I better go find the booth we're gonna be sitting at." As she starts to walk away the man taps her shoulder and outstretches his arm to her, "I'm Dean." Kathleen takes his hand and awakes it, "I'm Kathleen Teegan."

🍁🍁🍁🍁PART THREE🍁🍁🍁🍁

"How old are you, Kathleen?" Sam asks her.

"I'm nineteen."

"Did you ever meet our da- I mean your dad?" Sam asks standing up, which doesn't even look like a difficultly considering his legs are so long.

"No, my mom told me they met at a bar on a hunting trip, had sex and never spoke or heard from each other again." She shrugs.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Sam asks opening the fridge and taking out a beer.

"No, I'm good thanks."

"So our dad never knew you then?" Dean asks balancing himself against a wall.

"Not that I know of." She replies.

"What was your moms name?" Dean asks opening a beer bottle.

"Um, Dorothy Harvard, why?"

"Just seeing if maybe I knew her is all." Dean says taking a slug of the beer.

"She wasn't a well known hunter, she liked to stay clear of people, she was a shy person unlike me."

"So what, your a frickin' social butterfly?" Dean says walking over to the bed and sitting down.

"I guess you could say that." Kathleen says.

"How old were you when uh," Sam says wincing, at this point Kathleen doesn't care if Sams in pain. "Your mom passed?"

"I was twelve." Kathleen says coldly, "She was killed by a spirit, thank God I wasn't there to see it."

"How have you been surviving these past three years then?" Sam asks looking at her the way a therapist would.

"I continued hunting, stole food and supplies when needed, had fake ID's, got money off of people from gambling, I'm a pretty good poker player." Kathleen says standing up from her seat and walking around, her fingers sliding over the table top.

"How did you get away with all that, I mean," Sam moves his hands up and down in her direction, "You hardly look eighteen."

"Makeup comes in handy, Sam."

"Ya, I know that now." Sam walks over to the bed and takes out his wallet, he searches through it until he takes out a bottle cap.

"What was the Angels name?" Dean asks pushing his body off of the table he was leaning against.


"Come on, you expect me to believe that the angel didn't tell you their name?" Dean says walking up to Kathleen.

"He said he knew you and that his name was-" Kathleen stops for a minute and looks at Sam, who stands there picking apart a piece of paper.

"He said he was an angel of the Lord, that he knew your guys and that's how he knew who and where I was."

"His name," Dean says putting his hands on the chair and leaning in towards Kathleen's face, "Sweet cheeks."

Kathleen remembers the loud, deep voice and the piercing blue eyes, but the one thing she won't forget was his name. "Castiel. His name was Castiel."

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