Chapter 6- Search

Start from the beginning

" I knew that you would go back inside, and it was almost dark. I knew by the time we got back with reinforcements, you'd be gone for sure. That's why I poisoned you. And took you to the camp." Sara explained while they were walking.

They have now reached their destination. They looked like a bunch of dwarves in front of the huge vessel. Jackson pointed towards the door. They all walked towards it.

Samuel looked at Wayne and said " Open the door."

" Alright, give me my access card " he held out his hand to them.

" What access card ? " Asked Samuel

" The one I need to open the door. It was in my left hand pocket yesterday. " Wayne replied.

" There was no access card. All we found was a pair of wireless headsets," Said Sara. " You seen anything ? " She asked Jackson

He shook the head, no.

" Maybe it fell here somewhere. Start searching. " Ashton suggested.

" He's lying " Sara pointed his weapon at Wayne. " Open the door now " said she.

" What the hell is wrong with you ?? I'm not lying. " Wayne replied

"Yes you are, why don't you put your fucking fingers in that panel. Let's see what happens." Said Sara

" Alright, alright. I will do whatever you want. " Wayne replied

He put his hand onto the panel. But nothing happened. Everyone heard, " Insert your access card. " He did it again but they heard the same voice.

" See..! " Said Wayne. " It will scan my hand after I insert the card. " He explained

" Instead of pointing your weapon at me, help me find the it " He continued.

After seeing everything, Samuel told Sara to step aside. " We'll look for the access card. "

" You three search here, me and Sara will go and look on the other side " he continued

" Who were you talking to ? " Sara asked Wayne

" What ?" said he, not understanding the question.

" I saw you talking to somebody when you were up there. There was nobody there with you, which means you were communicating with somebody through the earpiece. Who was it ?" She asked

" I wasn't talking to anybody, I was listening to music and humming a couple of lines. " Wayne replied quickly

" I don't buy it. " said she.

" Sara, I asked you to back off. Either you come with me, or you return to camp. So which one is it ? " Samuel asked her in an angry tone

She stood there for a minute staring at Wayne, then followed Samuel to the other side of the ship. And the other two started searching with Wayne.

" How big is it ? " Asked Ashton

" It's about the size of my palm, red on one side and black on the other. " Wayne replied

" Damn, it's gonna take forever..." Said Ashton while looking around

While they were looking for the card over there, Sara and Samuel were still arguing.

" Each and every word comes out from his mouth is a lie " said Sara with frustration

" Maybe, but we have no choice.We must get inside the ship by any means possible. " Samuel replied

" I'm still trying to figure out why you're obsessed with it. " said Sara

" Can't you see ? " He looked at the ship. " Look at that, its enormous. As far as I can see, it can hold more than 500 people. And I think he probably has weapons which can kill those things too."

He paused for few seconds and then continued " I know that he is a liar. I believe he's military, probably from a secret organization of the government. He may have been sent here to find someone very important or something. But the ship crashed. This is our chance to save our camp and go somewhere safe. "

" You think he's capable of killing these things? The fricking Government tried nukes. How can he kill those things? By swinging a sword like a knight ? " Asked Sara

" He certainly knows something. What if I got it right? Why don't you consider that ? " Asked Samuel

" It's all good in theory. I'm just saying what I think. " Sara replied

" Come in SOTA Delta...... SOTA Delta.. this is SOTA Guardian....... Over.... " Samuels radio began to talk

" This is SOTA Delta 113.... Go on. Over " Samuel replied

It was Caitlin who was on the other side " We got a situation..... Code 03... Over "

" Damn... who is it ?... Over " Samuel asked

" It's Rayley.. she is the one missing.... Over " said Caitlin

Sara took the talkie from Samuel and asked " This is SOTA shadow...How long has she been missing ?....Over "

" Hard to say, no one has seen her for a few hours... It's not clear how she got out. Each and every door is guarded..... Over " Caitlin replied

" Send someone to the garbage room and check hole in the wall. See if it remains closed... Over " said Sara

" All right, let me check and call you back... Over " Caitlin replied

The minute Caitlin stopped speaking, Sara ran to the other side. The guys were still searching for the card.

" Did you close the hole with the metallic lid ? " Sara shouted while she was running towards Wayne

" What ? " He looked at her face " what are you talking about? "

" When you were in the garbage room with Rayley, looking for the dog. Did you close that hole ? " she asked

"Ummmm... I don't know, I don't remember. I think I did. " he replied

" Come in ... This is SOTA Delta.... Over " Sara heard the voice from the talkie

" This is SOTA Shadow.... Did you check it ?... Over " Sara asked

"Yeah we did... You were right, it was open.. Over " said Caitlin

" Damnnnnn... Did you send a team to look for her ?.... Over " Sara asked

" Negative " said Caitlin. " Team SOTA 2 left for supply run. SOTA 3 haven't came back from The Farm.. Over " she continued

" Ok... Then Jacks and I are going after her. Our team is the closest. Don't send any civilians from the camp.... Over " Said Sara

" Ok.. copy that. And good luck. SOTA Guardian over and out....." The other side become silent

Sara looked at Wayne, staight into his eyes. She was so frustrated. But she kept her mouth shut.

" Don't look at me like that, I'm not gonna stay here. She is my responsibility. I'm going after her no matter of what. " said told Samuel.

" I'm not stopping you. " He replied

Sara and Jackson grabbed their back packs and started walking. She took the map and stared talking with Jackson. They were far away, so no one else could hear them.

" Stop staring, start searching " said Samuel.

Samuel and Ashton continued thier search. Wayne stood there and watched them, until Sara and Jackson disappeared from his sight.

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