Chapter 2

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I wake up to the sound of my cellar door opening I quickly look up it was night I can tell by the little window down here .

I watch as the alpha comes in the room looking furious.


"Y-yes a-al-alpha " I stutter out

"My meeting didn't go well and Britney told me you disrespected her and her friends." he says in a calm voice, to calm.

I start shaking in fear there's no point I know if I try to defend myself I will get a worse beating live and learn.

"M-my apologies alpha I d-didn't mean to."

"You must be punished" he says coldly.

"Understood alpha"

"I want you in the cellar in ten seconds or the beatings worse got it"

"Yes alpha" I say and then take off running.

When I get there I stand in the middle of the room eyes down and wait.

I've been here before a lot of times this is where I get beaten.same place.same position.same pain.

When he comes down he slaps me.i make no noise I will not give him the satisfaction.

He punches ,slaps , kicks, whips and cuts me with silver gloves whip and knives.

I am a bloody mess the chains he has on me hold me in place and now I give up but not before seeing the sun . I told myself. I want to watch the sun when we dye.

Past the window I see the sun coming up . I'm limp on the ground chains on my wrists but I see the sun and I feel a small piece of hope.

I will not go down like this I will fight to stay alive and surprisingly I do in awake in pain on the ground looking at the sun when I smelt it my


But the only other person in here is alpha Kyle.

As soon as I thought that the chains were removed and I was sitting on someone's lap and felt sparks.

"No no no no no I'm sorry I'm so sorry please forgive me mate" Kyle begs.

I do nothing as he rocks us back and forth cradling me holding me like his life depended on it.

"I'm so sorry please say something." he begs again and u feel it something wet touch my shoulder and I realize it alpha Kyle crying.

"Say anything please " he sobs.

But I don't I stare blankly ahead out the window and to the sun thinking

The one I am supposed to love unconditionally is the man I am scared of. my alpha meaning one thing

I have to stay here .

My abusive alpha mateWhere stories live. Discover now