Chapter 33 "Don't tell"

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Mirabel liked to spend time with Shuiro's students. She was her student as well. After hearing Tanjiro's story she realised that she shouldn't felt jealous for the boy. He was younger than Shuiro and he only saw her as a teacher and a friend. They just had a lot of common.

"Inosuke don't eat that fast.." said Shuiro.
"Dont tell me what to do!"

Shuiro sighed. Was it a mistake to take these three as her Tsukugos? Maybe..But Shuiro was sure that they had potential to become even greater demon slayers.

"Is Mirabel also your tsuguko?"
"Awesome! What is her breathing style?"
"I..don't know.."
"But..How did she survived during Pandora's attack?"
"I don't know that one either..We need to figure this out..What breathing style is for her.."

Mirabel looked Shuiro who looked at Tanjiro.

"It can be anything.."
"Maybe its better if she would start learning water breathing first.."
"Yeah! I started that from that too!" said Tanjiro.
"Can we stop talking?! And start to eat!"

Shuiro looked at Inosuke and then nodded.

"Thank your for the food!" shouted Tanjiro and left with Inosuke and Zenitsu.

They are so nice..and motived..No wonder you liked them Kyojuro...

"You like them?"
"Kind of.."
"What do you like about them?"
"Just that..they reminded me how me and Kyojuro were before..Just like them..Of course..I was the calmer one but.."

Mirabel patted your head. It calmed Shuiro down..when she members Kyojuro. She had lived hard life..loosing people, loosing herself and loosing her will to live but she knew that with Mirabel she could live her life with peace.

My little miracle..I will make your life..worth it..I don't let anyone hurt you anymore..

"You know what Mirabel..? My life has been little bit bitter..but since you came to it has became sweet..And I like it..Thank you for fullfilling my days and little miracle.." said Shuiro and bowed a little to Mirabel

Mirabel who was so uncalled for your little compliment(poem?) felt her heart throb.

Why are you saying those things? Are you trying to kill me with your words Shuiro Rengoku?!

Mirabel walked away from Shuiro a little bit then she turned around and said:

"Well..if I am your 'little miracle' Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Shuiro looked confused and then asked:

"I am sorry..but what is a 'date'?"

Mirabel looked at Shuiro with this face.

Mirabel looked at Shuiro with this face

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She doesn't know what date is?! Oh..This is also one reason why I wrote to Mitsuri..She is so..stupid but in the same time so smart. How..I-..

Shuiro looked Mirabel with worried face. She really didn't know what 'date' is..But can anyone blame her? She only knew what marrige is..and that's it. She didn't know there is 'a thing between'.

"Whatever that means Mirabel..we can take care of that later..Tomorrow..We will start training..We don't know if there still are some demons..So if you want I can walk you back to Casita.." said Shuiro and begun walking ahead of Casita.

Shuiro then noticed that Mirabel didn't follow her. She then looked back where Mirabel was still standing.

"Are you coming?"

Mirabel then sighed and then walked past Shuiro. In the same time she said:

"You are sometimes such a pain in the ass you know that?"
"Huh? How so?" said Shuiro who runned to Mirabel.

Mirabel had a pout on her face and she was slighly annoyed. She then pulled Shuiro by her cheek.

"First you almost don't take my hints, then you flirt with me without your knowing and lastly you don't even know what date is!"

"Um..You know..That really hurts..And..I do purpose.." said Shuiro

"What really?"

"Flirting with you.." mumbled Shuiro.


"Nothing! Can you just let go of me? I need go see Senjuro also before it's getting too late.."

They were so into bickering that they didn't notice that they were at Casita already. Julieta watched from the kitchen how her youngest child was talking to demon slayer.

"How come you don't know what date is?!"
"Sheesh! Well..I was a orphan at age of 16 Mirabel..And my mother never teached me these kinds of things..either my father.."
"So you know what love is but don't know what is a date?!"
"Well..yeah..Could you tell me?"

Mirabel then sighed and laughed. She then tip toed at Shuiro's level and kissed her near of her lips.

"I will tell you tomorrow..Or I can show you..Good night Shuiro.." said Mirabel who then left to her nursery.

Shuiro's ears were burning. In the same time she felt a little pain in her cheek. She then looked at Mirabel who continued walking but for some reason she tripped over at stairs. Shuiro blinked twice and then chuckled.

"I am okay! I am okay!"

Shuiro then showed her thumbs up and then left Casita. Mirabel on other hand got her room and then started screaming at her pillow.

Why did I do that!? I was supposed to kiss her on cheek not mouth! It is way too early for that! I have kissed her before but this time it was way too near..But..She is way too tall..Wait! How did she get so tall?! I better ask her about it tomorrow..It would be easier to kiss her if I was tall as her..No!..No!..Mirabel! Don't get so insecure about your height..But..seriously Shuiro is quite did she...Well..I just hope that she still likes me even if I am short..

Shuiro was walking and thinking about what Mirabel had said to her.

What..did she meant by that 'she will tell me tomorrow'? Pain in the ass..Really? Well it might be true..Many people find me annoying right..Luckily Mirabel isn't like that..What that date thing is? I should ask by someone..But why do I have feeling..or what is that smell..? Demon?! Not again!

Shuiro then runned quickly to Casita.

I hope it's not too late..

Mirabel went to sleep in the mean time. Not knowing that someone was watching her. And that someone wasn't plesant guest or even a friend.

(Chapter 33📍📝)

Samurai Of Flames (Mirabel x Oc/fem Reader) 📝📍Where stories live. Discover now