Chapter 22 "Suprising Confession"

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.....Hold on...WHAAAAT..!
"Camon Shuiro say it back.."

Shuiro stared at Mirabel. She was clearly shocked by it and a little confused about it. When she was younger she had been getting confessions but didn't react to them at all and coldly walked away. But now the situation was different..She didn't wanted to hurt Mirabel's feelings and say anything stupid to her..

Mirabel...So that's how you feel about me..Well..what..should..I say..

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

Just then Abuela walked with Camilo to Shuiro and Mirabel. Camilo looked with nervous fake smile at them. Shuiro looked at Abuela and eventhough she had forgive her past remarks about her she still felt she didn't fully trust her.

"Shuiro this is Camilo..You guys should get to together and start dating.."

HOLD ON SECOND..Why do you now care about me so much? And dating?! Camilo! There is no way I would get together with him! He is great guy and all but no!

Shuiro's eyes went to Mirabel who was now  looking at Camilo and Abuela.

Hashiras thoughts~

What the hell old woman?
Didn't she notice that Mirabel was confessing to Shuiro?!
How can someone be so..irritating?
There goes flashy confession..It went so smoothly before..
Someone is getting poison today~

"So what do you say Shuiro Rengoku? Would it be amazing for you to leave that warrior life and settle down with my grandson?"

Shuiro was silent. Why was she so pushy about relationships? She just got promoded to hashira..didn't she see that? Being hashira doesn’t mean that everything would get easier it was only beginning. It had been Shuiro's dream to become hashira like her uncle and cousin. And now some old lady wants her to settle down and forget what she had been working on all of her life.

"There is no way I will do that Mrs.Madrigal..I am afraid.."
"I thought you were thoughtful person Shuiro Rengoku..And thinking what is best for Encanto.."
"Are you really thinking that forcing your grandchild with a person he doesn’t even know? Oh..wait..You did that before..right? Mrs.Madrigal..I just became hashira..There no way I would get relationship right now.."

Shuiro then reliazed that Mirabel was there. What she said must hurted her.

Argh..This is why I don’t do any of those 'relationship' things..I only hurt them at the end..People are complicated..but..Mirabel

Shuiro walked a way from Madrigals and went to Senjuro.

"Let's go Senjuro.."
"But the party.."
"We are going"

Shuiro took Senjuro's hand and walked out. In last glance she looked at Abuela with experissionless and dissapointed face. Hashiras were shaking their heads and were also dissapointed at Abuela.

"Thank you so much for everything Abuela!" shouted Mirabel.
"Don't you dare shout at me Mirabel! I am doing what is best for Encanto! It would be best that..Camilo and Shuiro would end up together..and have children with Madrigal they can protect Encanto and.."
"IT'S ME..Who loves Shuiro with bottom of my heart! Not Camilo! I were just confessing her that but you just ruined it! You only see her as protector not human being!"

Abuela looked Mirabel with annoyence and angry experission on her face.

"You..falling in love with another girl! Don't be ridicoulus Mirabel! You have find.."

"That is enough!"

It was Tengen with his wives and other Hashiras

"You heard..her..She really loves her and wants what is best for her..Don't you dare tell that she had to get together with someone who isn't for her!"

"I thought you guys..atleast started to respect her as her own person.."

"Shuiro atleast forgave you..for treating bad all of those years...What did you do?!

"This is not flamboyant at all..Mirabel just there had a courage to confess something that had been on her heart such a long time..knowing that she might be judged..She had a very flashy begining but you ruined it.."

Abuela stayed silent and just looked Hashiras with cold stare.

"Just then take her back to Japan..We don’t need her.."

"Are you kidding me? She just risked her life for this place and people.."

"Then she just had go where her parents and cousin are.."

Giyu who had been silent whole time finally had enough. He charged at Abuela having terrifying glare in his face.

 He charged at Abuela having terrifying glare in his face

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(YES..I love Spy x Family..😇😍)

"Sorry..There were a bug.."

Abuela looked at water hashira with scared face.

"I haven’t say anything for a while..but..after seeing how you are treating Shuiro..I can't stay silent..There is no way that you can stay so arrogant about her powers..First she saved your village from demon army then she saved the village from Uppermoon..She is a hashira for sure but first she is a human being. She is experissionless for sure..after everything you had done to her!"

(Chapter 22📝📍)

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