Chapter 11 "Set your heart ablaze!"

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People were screaming and running. Madrigals tried their best to "fight" these demons but even Luisa got hurt. They were scared...because even their gifts didn't help or rather they didn't work.

"Honō no kokyū Shi no kata: Sei En no Uneri"

"You are back!"
"What is the situation?"
"There many of them! But no Lower Moons which is strange!"
"How about Madrigals?"
"Seems like the house is protecting them..But we don't long."
"I am no giving you orders but..Can Tengen's wives help people to evacute? I am going to check on Madrigals..

"I am coming with you Shuiro!" said Giyu.
"Giyu! Watch out!"

A large looking demon charged at Giyu and quickly enough he dodged it. Jian then remembered that Mirabel was with them. She wanted her to go with a villagers and evacute but..

"Mirabel...Can you go with a villagers? This might get too dangerous..."

"You are always taking care of my safety Jian..But this time I won't run away.."

"But..Okay..stay close to Giyu and me..Oh..wait..quick inturdusing this is Master Giyu and this is Mirabel my friend.."

"It's okay..Jian..I heard from Senjuro about him..."
"Wait! Where is Senjuro?!"

Jian looked at her house and runned quickly there. Senjuro wasn't there...

Where is he?

Senjuro's footsteps were going to Casita.

Don't tell me..He went to protect Madrigals..on his own..We need to hurry..

"Giyu! Mirabel! I know where Senjuro is! We need a hurry!"

Giyu and Mirabel nodded and runned to Casita

Please let me be..early this time..I don't let Senjuro die..I will not let that happen..

In that time Madrigals were in corner. Senjuro had go there to help them..but because his skills weren't so good he was loosing.

"Senjuro! Are you okay?!" asked Julieta
"Yeah I am.."
"What we are going to do now!?"
"We need a leave Abuela!"
"No we need to protect Casita!"

In that moment Jian, Giyu and Mirabel arrived.
"Shuiro! Let me handle this..Take Madrigals to safety!"

Jian was silent. She then took her sword.


"Let me handle this Giyu and...take Madrigals with you! Same with Mirabel and Senjuro!"


Jian then kicked Mirabel and Senjuro to Giyu.

"I will make you opening when you guys have chance then go! This your chance."

"Oto no kokyū Ichi no kata: Todoroki"

So you are using Tengen's tecnique..Impressive.

"Now go!"
"Wait Jian!"

Giyu grabbed Mirabel and Senjuro. Madrigals followed them.

Mirabel was only shouting and Senjuro had tears in his eyes...He just watched how Jian was left alone in Casita fighting.

I am sorry..For making this..But if I am going to use this tecnique.. You guys will be in the way..and maybe even burn..

Remember what Kyojuro said...

"What were my cousin's last words?"
"He said: "Go ahead and live with your head held high! No matter how devastated you may be by your own weakness or uselessnes Set your heart ablaze. Grit your teeth and look straight ahead."

"I am going to.."

Jian was then hitted by demons and her cheek and head was bleeding.

"I am going to do this! Watch me Kyojuro!
Set your heart ablaze! Honō no kokyū! Ku no kata: Rengoku!!!"

Sorry Casita..You might burn a little.

This whipped all the demons around Casita. Jian had used her powers and was so weak that her legs collapsed

Shit..My breathing..Calm down..Calm down..It's over..

Then big demon appeared.

You gotta be freaking kidding me..Not now!

Luckily enough Tengen and Shinobu arrieved at time and slayed the demon. But Jian lost her consciousness and passed out.

"Looks like your former student did great job." said Shinobu.

"She did great...But still able to use three different breathing tecniques must be tiring..So let's hurry and get her to the treatment.."

In the mean time Mirabel was panicking and Senjuro was trying to calm her.

"How can she do something so reckless?! Senjuro..."
"I know.."
"What we can.."

Suddenly Tengen and arrieved with Shinobu. Mirabel's eyes went to Tengen's back where Jian was lying.

"Jian! What happend to her?!"
"Calm down Mirabel! She did some flashy job and saved your home..Well most of it..But her consciousness is now gone..Probably because how much breathing tecniques she used."

Is everything flashy for this guy?

Mirabel looked your calm but not moving body. She was relieved that you were alive but still..worried because of your bleeding.

What an idiot...She kicked me quite hard back there..It's kind of weird see her not moving at all

But now Encanto was saved..You were saved and only thing what Mirabel could watch how sun was rising and a new day was beginning.

(Chapter 11📝📍)

Samurai Of Flames (Mirabel x Oc/fem Reader) 📝📍Where stories live. Discover now