{ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17}

333 14 25

Aa : Text message

(important note at the end)

3rd Person POV

After Wilbur finally told his family that he was going to a party tonight, and trying to convince Tommy that he couldn't go with him, he decided to get ready and get dressed.

Not many people were gonna go, just a couple of friends and some people he may or may not know in school. He felt dressing up in something nice and casual.

He got done dressing up, he waited on the balcony near the front door for his friend to come pick him up.

He felt his phone vibrate, he had a text notification....it was unfortunately from Sally.

'hey wilby can we talk? I miss you 💕'

The text message said. Immediately, Wilbur blocked her number without hesitation.

A car pulled over the driveway infront of Wilburs house.

"Come on, Wilbur! " Jack signaled Wilbur to the car.

They greeted each other when he got in the car and drove off.


Q was chatting with his friends during the drive to the party. Karl mentioned that he promised not to leave Alex this time which, Alex took as endearing.

They got there and pulled over the driveway. They went in the house, relieved that the party wasn't as bad as the last one they went to.

Bad, Karl, George, and Dream went to hang out at the living room, Alex joined them.

"I'll go get some drinks! " Karl announced.

"No, I'll do it. Anyone want some soda? " Alex volunteers, laying his hand on Karl's shoulder.

"I'll have one! "

"Can I get one too? "


The 3 of them answered. Alex asked if Karl wanted a soda and he said he could just have some water.

Alex made his way to the kitchen and got the sodas from the fridge.

"Hello Alex! " Wilbur stood behind Alex, leaning his hand on the kitchen counter.

"AUGHH- Jesus Wilbur!! Stop doing that shit! " Alex spoke, startled at the brunets sudden presence.

Wilbur chuckled with amusement.

"Sorry! You look adorable when you're caught off guard. " Wilbur admitted. Q can only frown and stair when the tall asshole laughed again.

"So, how are you enjoying the party then, Big Q? " Wilbur questioned.

"It's better than the last one I went to. Y'know how that went. " Alex answered. Wilbur hummed in response.

"You're with your friends? " Wilbur asked Alex.

"Yeah, actually- "

"LETS GET FUCKED UP AT THIS PARTY WOOOOO " Someone stood at the counter and shouted, making the crowd shout aswell.

Music started to blast from the large speakers as everyone danced like a doctor was gonna saw their legs off the day after.

"Ah shit, this is definitely not the kind of party I looked forward too. " Wilbur commented. Wilbur and Q stood staring at the crowd of drunk teenager's.

"Some get together party. " Alex responded.

"Wanna go to upstairs? " Wilbur offered with his hand infront of Alex.

"Why? Are the stars pretty tonight? " Alex  spoke curiously.

"Well, yeah, you up for it?" Wilbur answered.

"Sure, I do have to get these drinks to my friends, though. Wait up. " Alex announced and walks off, Wilbur following him along to the living room.

"Hey, Big Q! What took you so long? " George spoke taking a soda as Alex was handing them out.

"Shut up, anyways, I'm gonna go upstairs." Alex announced.

"Want me to come with you? " Karl offered.

"No, I think I'm gonna be fine this time. Wilburs coming with me. " Alex declined and pointed at the brunet whom gave a small 'hello' and waved.

"Oh~? I didn't know that that was the kind of 'friendship'  you both have~" Dream cooed and teased Alex, the others making an 'ohhh~' noise aswell.

"I'm right here- "

"Not like that, lime asshole. " Alex nagged with a tint of red on his cheeks.

Wilbur stood there, amused at the conversation. Eventually he got bored and poked on Alex's shoulder.

"Hey, ready to go? " Wilbur asked with a smile. Alex nodded.

"Yeah, we're gonna go now byee. " Alex grabbed Wilburs hand and dragged him away, earning a slight blush from the Brit.

"Okayy, you both have fun! haha- ... " Dream waved a 'bye' and paused to see if they were gone.

"I bet 20$ that they're gonna make out. " Dream announced.

"Deal" everyone nodded.


696 words,

I think I'm gonna be inactive (again) for another couple of weeks, maybe even another month. I have so much shit that I should work on that only came up a week ago for some fucking reason, and a play that I have to participate in for my exams.

Apparently, school isn't gonna be over until after July which is absolute bullshit. I promise try to update my books as much as I physically, mentally, and emotionally can. Thank you for understanding, you guys are really cool for being patient with me.

Bye! <3

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