Alice's face became beet red probably from embarrassment as I was right. It made me laugh a little as I walked past her. "Nah, I'm just fucking with you. Come, I'll show you what I've done so far." I said while walking to the shelfs I had set up. "Ha, ha, ha, very clever of you." Alice said shakily while trying to maintain her composure. She must not be used to being beaten like this. The shelves that I presented her to were supposed to be rows of attachments and magazines. There were many empty spaces still marked with sticky notes that told what that spot needed to be filled with. "I see you've gotten a lot done, after all it's been a couple weeks since this place was bought." Alice commented while looking at the box full of lightweight drum mags. "How do you know I bought this place a couple of weeks ago?" I asked her with suspicion. "This lovely neighborhood happens to be one of my favorite places to visit, so when something happens in it, I like to know." Alice explained to me. I just nodded before continuing the little tour.

We came up to the weapon racks, and like before there were still a lot of missing spots. I picked up a assault rifle (fuck your fallout 4 assault rifles) and tossed it to Alice. "Go ahead, take a look. I'm proud of my work." I told her with my arms crossed. She held it up to her monocle, inspecting the chambers and the stock as well as the barrel of the gun. "Well I'll say this is master craftsmanship. Good job my fellow demon, I can't wait to see guns with your branding fill the streets with chaos, oh it'll be so fun to watch." Alice said with a wide smile as she pointed at the signature on the stock of the gun. My signature was the same as the giant sign on top of my building, a revolver and rose making an x with the words "Guns 'N Roses" written in cursive. She handed the gun back to me as I put it back in the rack.

"Come on, I'll show you the counter, unless of course you want to take a look at the shelves stocked with ammunition, which happens to be the only shelves stocked fully." I said to Alice. "No thank you, I'll pass. Let's go see HR!" She said excitedly. I took her to the counter where a protectron stood behind the counter with bulletproof glass as well. "Hello sir, all systems are operating at normal levels. Nothing to report." The protectron said with a mechanical voice. "Oh what a lovely salesperson you have here!" Alice exclaimed. "Yeah, this guy here runs the register and manages the place as well. You can even bring in schematics of weapons, armor, or ammo and place an order of it with how much you want. If you don't have a schematic, don't worry. Just bring in the thing you want us to replicate and place the number of replicas you want made and we'll do it." I told her while leaning on the counter.

"I see, what an excellent little shop you have here. I have high hopes for you." Alice said while marveling at the store. "Thanks, but I think it's about time we leave. I need to head back home before my boss thinks something happened and I'm sure you have plenty of business to attend to." I said while locking the front door and then exiting through the back with Alice following behind. "I'll give you a ride if you like." I offered her. "My, what a gentleman you are. Be careful before someone decides to take advantage of you." She advised as she walked towards my car in the back parking lot. "I can take care of myself." I said before entering the vehicle with Alice.

"Would you bet on it?" She said as her smile grew very wide and a little static sound came from her. "Any day of the week honey." I said calmly while backing up the car. I made sure to keep my composure, as panicking in any way may show a sign of weakness or signal to Alice to pounce on me. I knew she was very dangerous, so I needed to keep her on my good side and to not make myself a target for her. She obviously seemed interested in trapping people and tormenting them, so I needed to stay stoic in order for her to not see me as possible prey. "Hahaha, it's been a while since I met a demon with such confidence in themselves. You're quite the interesting one dear." She said out loud with excitement.

Time passed as I drove her to where she needed to be. Apparently it was in some washed up ghetto that seemed devoid of life. Alice got out of the car, but before she left I said, "Happy hunting honey." She turned around to me with a smile. "Oh, I will." She said as her eyes blackened and neck twisting into an inhuman position. Remaining calm, I just nodded my head before driving off back to the mansion. The ride helped calm my nerves down as Alice seemed to have put me on edge. Glad that nothing wrong happened, I drove in silence thinking about what I needed to do tomorrow in the store. As I was lost in thought, my phone rang out with a notification.

Checking it, it was Octavia asking when I was coming home. Texting back, I replied to her saying that I was on my way back to the mansion. She seemed pleased by this as she texted back a smiley face. Putting down the phone and looking back up, a shadowy figure was standing in front of the road. Quickly, I stepped on the brakes and made sure to keep the car steady. The car came to a screeching halt as I held onto the steering wheel. Looking back up, the shadow figure seemed to have all but disappeared. In fact, there seemed to be no one or anything on the highway, it was deadly silent. Something was wrong here, so I materialized a laser pistol because I wasn't fucking around.

All of a sudden, a hand shattered through the side window grabbing me by the throat. I felt it's cold, dead hands wrap around my throat as I tried grabbing the arm, but I couldn't feel anything. I brought up my laser pistol and fired a couple shots through the window into whatever was outside. Loud hissing sound came from outside as the hand wrapped around my throat had let go. Quickly I unlocked the door and slammed it open and hurriedly got out. Whatever was here, I needed to put some space between us and not allow it anywhere to hide. Running ten feet away from the car, I looked back frantically, searching for whatever was there.

Underneath the car, a black shadow lurked out from as it stood up. The figure was slightly taller than me and was feminine, almost looking like Alice. Before I could study it any longer, it jumped into the ground as the shadow move towards me at lightning speed. My laser pistol shot out a violet ray towards the ground with the shadow on it. Before the laser connected, the shadow moved away. I couldn't get another shot off as it approached me. When getting to me, it didn't pop up out of the ground or grab me like I was expecting, that's when I knew where it was.

Quickly, I swung my left arm behind me, hitting the shadow with my pipboy that was on my arm, though the shadow was able to rip my helmet off causing it to fall a few feet behind me. The shadow stumbled back a little as it held it's cheek with audible hissing coming from it, like it was burning. Light! Light was it's weakness or something like that. Instantly before the demon could close in on me, I turned my pipboy's light up to max illuminating the entire away. The shadow backed up a little to the edge of the light before showing a bright white smile despite it's entire form being pitch black.

In an instant, the shadow disappeared as it scurried off away into the unknown. I stood there breathing heavily as that fucker had gotten real close to me. It's been awhile since I've had a close call like that. Letting my nerves calm down once more, I walked back to pick up my helmet and get into my car. Putting the stick into drive, I gunned it as fast as I could back to the mansion. Today's been a long day.

*Alice POV*

Waiting in my chair while having a kidney for a snack, my shadow crawled back through the cracks in the house. "Hmm, how was the hunting?" I asked my shadow. "He's human, human. I want to eat him up, and smart. He found my weakness, used it well. No eating him, no. I want him. To be mine, to be a part of me, us." She said with such excitement I haven't heard in ages. "Human you say, I knew he was special, but who would have guessed that! I admit, he excites me in a way I haven't felt in a long while. He plays my games expertly, manages to defeat you, all while human. The more I think of him, the more I know, the more I want." I said to myself while deep in thought.

Me, beaten by a human. What irony, oh I can't let that man stand. But the thought of raising my knife against him, the one thing in which I do plenty of, I can't do. WHY?! I sent my friend, but even she let him go. I CAN'T BEAR THIS! My head started spinning as I felt so many emotions I haven't felt inside me start to rise. I couldn't control myself, laughing loudly like a maniac. This man, I NEED HIM! Thinking of letting him go, being with others and not entertaining me, NO! I WILL HAVE HIM, MAKE HIM MINE, MAKE HIM PART OF ME! NO ONE ELSE, ONLY ME AND HIM!

My shadow absorbed into me as my antlers grew, my body stretching out as my smile widened inhumanly. "YOU ARE MINE (Y/N)!" I yelled out in excitement.


*Important please*
Thank you RoxanneWoIf
for throwing some ideas towards me, this chapter was partly inspired by some of her ideas.

Hello guys and girls and gamers, how are y'all doing today. Hopefully you're doing good today, and hopefully you liked this chapter. Tell me how I did, maybe some suggestions on how I can improve my writing, or not. Anyways, if you liked this, please vote this chapter and follow me and I'll follow you back home. Till next time, coffee out!

Word count 2222

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