Chapter 5: On The Way To Motunui

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"Motunui. And Hurry!" Maui screamed.

We were on our way to Motunui soon after. Maui must be good friends with the ocean like Moana is. He looked at Moana with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry, Moana..." he said. "...We'll get you some help!"

I got up and sat next to him. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked at me.

"What's wrong, Maui?" I asked.

Maui POV

"What's wrong, Maui?" asked Ava.

I just looked at her. Tears were still in my eyes. I looked at the ocean then back at her. I sighed.

"Moana..." I said. "Is she gonna be ok?!"

"So you are worried about her?" Ava asked.

I nodded my head. It was true. I didn't want to lose Moana. I then looked at her.

"She really means a lot to you, huh?" she asked.

I looked back at her. "She's my closest friend, and I'd do anything to get her back!"

Ava then noticed something in Moana's side. She pulled it out and pressed her hands on the wound while looking shocked. I grabbed the thing that was in Moana's side.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "And what is this?"


"And what is this," Maui asked.

"To answer your first question, I'm putting pressure on the wound because it'll stop the bleeding," I explained. "And to answer your second question, that thing you are holding is called a dagger, a weapon from back in my world,"

Maui POV

I gasped upon Ava saying "back in my world" and said in shock. "Wait, your from another world?!"

"Yes," Ava said.

Then I realized something. "Wait..." I said. "...If this is a weapon from your world, how did it get here?"

Ava's eyes widened. She looked at me. "I never thought of that," she said quietly.

We exchanged theories about how the dagger got here until we were at Motunui. I grabbed Moana and me and Ava ran!

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