Chapter 1: The Demigod And The Mortal

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"Best day ever!" I said.

"You say that every day on your birthday," mom said.

You see, I had been (and still am) a huge Disney fan since I was a toddler, so my family had been (and still are) making all my birthdays Disney-themed.

Suddenly I slipped and fell towards a whirlpool. I wasn't looking where I was going. I turned around so I was falling backward.

"AVA!!!" mom shouted.

The next thing I knew, I had fallen through the middle of the whirlpool and was now falling from the sky. I don't know why I was falling from the sky all of a sudden, just that I was. I then noticed a boat underneath me.

Maui POV

Moana and I were sitting on the boat when we noticed someone falling from the sky. She was falling backward.

She landed on the boat. I picked her up and Moana directed us to land. After about an hour she woke up. She asked us who we are and we introduced ourselves.

We took her to the boat and sailed towards the place I wanted to take Moana to. Along the way, the girl introduced herself as Ava Johnson. She revealed it was her birthday today.

"Happy birthday," said Moana.

Hearing her voice sent excitement down my spine. This has been happing anytime I heard her voice. Not only that but whenever we touched even just a little bit, sparks were sent up my spine. I had also become afraid of losing her. It had become my biggest fear. I had never felt that way. Not towards anyone. What was that feeling?

Moana POV

Ava had just finished telling her life story. She then asked about me and Maui. I explained our relationship history. But I did not tell her that lately, whenever I heard Maui's voice, I felt warm, happy, and safe. The same thing happened whenever we touched even just a little bit. I had also become afraid of losing him. It had become my biggest fear.

What was that feeling?

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