Chapter 3

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I managed to make it to history on time, thankfully. I was almost late since I had bumped into some boy on the way there.
Some boy?

Mr Jones, Loren's dad and my sixth form history teacher, nattered on about some war for an hour while I stared out of the window and thought about this morning. From the window, you could look into the creative arts block pretty clearly. I watched as some year seven burnt themselves on one of the irons in Miss Tykes textiles class, and silently giggled to myself. My eyes continued to wander around the tall building until they paused on one of the windows seeing through into Mr Barker's art classroom.

There was a tall, brown haired boy, concentrating hard, leaning his head against the window. He looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. He was biting the tip of his pencil and frowning at the very large piece of paper in front of him. He seemed to be struggling as he kept brushing his hand through his soft chestnut locks, and scratching his head in confusion.

I watched him for a while until I noticed I might be coming across a little creepy. But there was something about him that I just couldn't stop staring at.

'-and you Miss Harris?' Mr Jones asked.

'I'm sorry?' I questioned.

'What did you get for question three?'

'Oh, I um-' my heart pounds, 'I wasn't listening, sorry', I apologise. Mr Jones lifts a very bushy eyebrow at me.

'Something outside more interesting than my lesson is there Miss Harris?' He sounds annoyed.

'No, sir'

'Get your head out of the clouds Nevaeh', he told me, then he moves on to ask Oliver Tennet the same question, whose answer was a simple 'I dunno'.

I try to continue through the lesson without looking out the window, but the boy had now stood up and was showing his teacher the work he had completed.
He was tall, very tall actually. He was sort of lanky, but his arms were bulky and his jaw was chiselled.
He was handsome to say the least, well out of my league for sure. I wasn't close enough to see his face however, so I just had to pretend I knew what it looked like.


Loren walked with me after class.

'He hates me' I wailed.

'Nev, my dad doesn't hate you at all, he actually loves you. Your one of his top students'

'Well I almost got detention back there'

'But you didn't, did you? Stop stressing over nothing babe.' She explains, fixing my hair and patting down my collar. 'What was out that window that was so fucking great anyway?'

I hesitate to tell her but eventually explain.
'I was just watching a boy' I tell her.

'A BOY!' she shouts, the ground shakes with Loren's excitement.

'Shut the fuck up Lorenzo or i'll fucking smack you' I joke, she hates it when I call her that but its always been a running joke that Amie and I say.

'WHO?' she yells again.

'Oh my god Loren please shut up, I don't even know who he is, I could just see into Mr Barkers art class on the middle floor of the building opposite us. I couldn't even see his face let alone know who he was!'

'Well what did he look like?' She asked. I told her what I saw and how cute I thought he was.

'An artist!' Loren exclaims, with a stupidly flirty smirk, 'How sexy'.

I roll my eyes and listen to her talk the rest of the way about the homework we have due next Tuesday, but i'm blocking out most of the sound. Amie comes racing through the corridor with an enormous smile on her face before chucking her stuff on the floor and giving us a group hug.

'I've just had the best first period EVER!' She tells us.

'What happened Ams?' Loren says, intrigued.

'Well, Harry just asked if I wanted to go out with him tomorrow night and I said yes!'

'Holy shit he actually asked you?'

'Yes I know, isn't it crazy!' She twirls around in a puddle of glee and picks up her fluffy, purple backpack. Amie has been crushing on Harrison Floyd for over three years now, they've been on and off but I never would have guessed he would actually get the balls to ask her out. He's kind of a dick to be honest, but he Amie seems to be happy so I guess it's okay.

'I'm so happy for you.' I lie.

'Thanks Nev, hey I heard Mr Jones totally flipped out on you this morning?' she says.

'Well I-'

'That's bullshit Ams, don't even worry about it' Loren saves me. Loren's always been a bit of a better friend than Amie. I think it's because Amie is always so busy with clubs and stuff that she can hardly ever go out with us. It's always 'Oh I have horse riding' or 'Oh I cant, i'm volunteering at the green thumb convention on that day', so it always ends up being just Loren and me. I like it that way.

'Anyways I would love to stay and chat but I have Physics in like five minutes so I better run', Amie explains.

'Yeah okay, bye babe' Loren waves as our exited friend skips down the science corridor, joyfully.

'You better go too', I tell her, 'I have a free period but you have english in three minutes, and Miss Parker will not be happy if you're late!'

'Shit, your right!' She kisses my cheek and runs off to class, dropping a pen on the floor and stumbling down to get it in a hurry.

I make my way to the Library, where most of the students spend their free period studying. I sit down at one of the very few empty desks in the room and put on my headphones, until someone taps my shoulder...

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