Reaching down to her right pocket, she remembered taking one of her father's photos and stuffing it into her pocket. She thought that maybe she had to show it to someone and now was the perfect time to show it. Everyone tensed up at her movement and made some variant of a noise. The Frenchmen instantly pointed a golden revolver at her making her flinch and raise her hands. "I'm only taking out a photo!" She retorted, he eyed her up and down. Holstering it he nodded indicating she may move freely, reaching again but this time slower, she pulled out a small piece of scrunched up paper. Placing it on the table, folding it open and turning it to face them. "That's my father." She pointed with her left hand at the man third on the right. The man with the goggles slowly picked up the photo to inspect it better. Her father stood with friends and had a wide smile on his face.

Between all of this the man in the corner had pushed himself off the wall and walked a bit closer to the table. When she reached for her pocket, he only uncrossed his arms and watched her more intently, ready if she would have done anything. When she pointed at the photo, he had noticed a bandage around her hand, ending slightly before her knuckles.

"Ah thank we should discuss this further outside?" The Texan finally spoke, and the three other men looked over his shoulder at the photo and hummed in unison. Heading for the door she quickly spoke, raising her hand slightly, "Could I get some water?" Smiling slyly the Frenchman answered, "Of course, mon cher. Dzees bushman will zhet you yourgr drgrink." Placing one hand behind him and pointed the other at the Aussie. Frowning at him he knew what the frog was doing. "Oi ain't gettin' her nothin'." Side eyeing her, she looked defeated, but he still didn't trust her and with the new information she seemed more and more suspicious. "Ah thank that's a mithy good adea." Looking at both men he sighed deeply, mumbling to himself as he walked reluctantly to the kitchen. "Bloody spooks." They closed the door and followed him into the kitchen to further discuss her there.

Outside the door, just before they left, Emma saw a lanky youngish man walk by. Whistling slightly to himself pretending to mind his own business, but he looked straight at her making it blatantly obvious what he was doing. He also tried making himself bigger by walking with his arms slightly out. He also tried to flex? She only frowned and shook her head at the man. Sitting back, she waited for the others to return. Feeling terrified by what she got herself into and what these strangers with matching colours would do next.

"This is a photo of the previous RED team. Apparently, the old engineer was her father!" "She could be lyin'?" Grabbing a water bottle from the fridge - as they recently found out the water was contaminated - he placed it on the table and folded his arms once more, looking between the three men before him. "We should ask faw hergr name, dzat will make it easiergr to find mawe inforgrmation." Lighting a cigarette and placing it between his lips they continued. "Why don't we just beat the information out of her!?" "Ah don't thank that's gonna solve anythan' Soldier, she's already not welcomed." Nodding in agreement they all went back to the room. Making sure to grab the bottle as they leave.

Sitting silently in the dim room Emma jumped at the sudden opening of the door. The Aussie placed the water bottle away from her. Everyone was confused by his action but waited to see what he might do. Frowning at the man before her, he leaned forward over the table and looked her straight in the eyes. Emma on the other hand could not see his eyes through his glasses so she took a wild guess. "How do we know you ain't lyin' to us, sheila?" Shocked at his question she leaned forward as well, challenging him. "I don't know, maybe if you do your job, whatever that might be, you could have files or something." She emphasized 'or something' by shrugging and shaking her hands slightly. Finding truth to her words he felt dumb for not thinking of it himself. Frowning slightly, he continued, "Oi don't like ya." "Well, I don't like you either, cowboy." Flicking the tip of his hat with her index finger, he stood up right, smirking and chuckling whiles fixing his hat. She had guts for someone who didn't know where she was and who they were but deep down she regretted everything and feared for her live.

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