Chapter 24: Dont take her

Start from the beginning

When we got back to the base Dr.Hunes came and took her out of his arms. I was running to the room with him. "We have to have you wait out here-." I pulled my gun out. "Or you can just stay to the side." He gulped looking down.

I was watching everything they were doing. Her heart rate was decreasing making my heart shatter. They told me to step out and this time I did. I needed my mom.

I called my mom and not even 10 minutes later, I see the 4'11 Italian with those beautiful eyes come running at me with wide arms.

I meet her half way and hugged her. "Mama...she..she-" I couldn't even finish before I just broke down. I try to stay tough and act like nothing bothers me but around my momma I'm a big baby.

"Oh, Dio hear our prayers let this woman come back to my son. Let her find the will to fight." She started praying she slipped out her rosary and placed it around her hands.

"Capo." I heard the doctor saw making me jump up. I saw his face and I tried to read it but it was void of emotion.

"What is it?!" I tried to stay calm because I know my mom would literally beat me. I felt her hands on my arm. "Calm down son." I took a deep breath.

"She is stable...but the drug they used and her body weight it took a big side effect so she may have serious pain and vomiting." He said looking guilty.

"Okay, anything else? Is she awake can we see her?" I asked getting closer to the door.

"She is not awake yet but you may see her." He finished while stepping aside. "Thank you. You have done well for me and my line of work. And you have saved your future queen." When I finished his eyes grew wide. He quickly said "thank you capo." And walked away.

When i walked in the room I saw my mom kissing arias forehead lightly. "I know you are good to my son. And I know he can be stubborn but just work with him and smack him if he does something stupid." I chuckled causing her to spin around.

"She's gorgeous. You hurt her and I will send you-" I finished her sentence. "Off the the fiery pits of hell." I said hugging her. "Good now I will see you soon!" She said walking out of the door.

I walked over to her side picking up her hand. "Aria. You need to stop fucking fighting me and scaring me." I said sternly but deep inside I'm trying not to cry.

"You scared me today baby. And I don't ever want to feel like that again. So just wake up, and be okay. Please." I kissed her hand.

It was now midnight and I was tired, I put my head down on her stomach. Listening to her heart beat. I felt her stomach rise and fall.

I never thought a heart beat could mean so much to me until I found her. She is my angel. And that's how I fell into a deep sleep. Knowing that she is safe in my arms.

Time skip 🦋

I woke up around 6 am and I looked up to see her still sleeping. I sighed, I hoped she would be awake by now.

I was sitting on my phone when I felt a small hand move. I quickly looked up to see my angel slowly opening her eyes.

"Bloody fuck. It's bright." I chuckled, getting up I closed the blinds making it more comfortable for her.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked knowing it's a stupid question but I just wanted to hear her voice.

"I'm fine." She said shortly answering. "Can you help me get up? I feel like I need to throw up?" She asked barley looking at me. I nodded helping her get up.

She now had in a hospital gown which was open in the back. I quickly looked away to make her feel comfortable. "Can you help me tie it? So I can not flash everyone?" She asked trying to tie it herself.

I uncovered my eyes and quickly helped her tie the loops. I was getting a clear view of her ass and let's me just say..I am NOT complaining.

She realized I was done and ran to the bathroom. I heard her throwing up and I quickly ran in to help her.

I was holding her hair while she was puking, after 10 minutes of her just nonstop puking I realized something was wrong so I called the doctor in.

"What the hell is going on?! She has been nonstop puking for like 10 minutes!" I tried not to yell but it was hard not too. I felt a hand on my thigh and I looked down to see it was her hand.

I took a deep breath. "Help her." I said in a stern voice. The doctor looked at Aria with sympathetic eyes.

"I can't. She must get it all out of her system. This could go on for a few more minutes." I sighed while just holding her hair out of her face.

"K." The doctor took that as a sign to leave and quickly rushed out of the door.

I rubbed her back and after 15 minutes she finally put her head in the toilet. She was sobbing while throwing up. But now she just looked exhausted. "Can you get me a toothbrush?" She whispered making me frown. "Of course it's right here."

Her hand was shaking, she couldn't even stand up straight. It made my anger rise. They did this to a innocent innocent woman.

I took the toothbrush from her hand, and gently lifted her on the counter she let out a cry of pain. Making my whole body full with guilt. "I'm sorry baby."

"Open wide." I said brushing her teeth. Once I was finished I tried to kiss her cheek but she moved away.

"I'm sorry, for this and for yesterday. I am sorry okay? I know i don't deserve forgiveness but I did it out of a dick move and-" she smacked the back of my head which I totally deserved.

"Someone told me to smack you if you do anything stupid.." she heard my mom. She had a light smile on her face.

"You pulled a big dick move. And it hurt me because I really liked that job. But what's done is done. I'm not going to hold it against you forever..I guess." She mumbled the last part making me smirk.

"You guess hm?" I asked pulling her closer to me. "Yes." She said trying to look confident but I saw the amusement in her eyes.

"Hm, what to do with you..." I pretend to think for a second before kissing her everywhere on her face making her laugh. Success!

"Okay! Okay! Stop!" She tried to say in between laughs. I pulled away, but I was still hovering over her lips. Right as I was about to kiss her i felt a hand were her lips were.

"Stop blocking my kisses." I said annoyed.

"No. I have throw up breath. So back up fuck boy." She said lightly pushing me away. "Fuck boy..?" I asked looking at her. She nodded turning her head.

"Okay, since I can't kiss your lips..I guess I just have to kiss you other places..sì?" I asked kissing her neck.

"Nope! Goodbye!" She said walking out of the door. This woman is going to be the death of me.

Little did he know..

🤔🤔hey guys thanks for reading hope you liked!! Love you! Please don't kill me.. or do. 🖤🖤- love author. Word count: 1962

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