Truth Realized

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AN: Children who live with Arthur and Francis check with ages. Matthew (Canada)16, Peter (Sealand)14, Austin (Australia)18, Marie (Seychelles)19, Leon (Hong Kong) 17, Alfred (America) 15 (just turned), Ayanna (Bahamas)18, Luciano (Brazil)18, Ayiti (Haiti) 19, Jose (Chile)18

There are a few old sayings about the truth. The truth will always come out and the truth will set you free. Alfred lived as freely as he could. He never tried to lie or keep secrets if he could help it. He just never needed to brag about his accomplishments to anybody. Add on the fact that he had no one to brag or show those accomplishments to, it made perfect sense that he felt that there was no need to do so. He never needed to do anything to bring attention to himself. It was documented in his file. He never expected anyone to love him as his father had. Arthur and Francis were trying to bring him into the family. It was Alfred's fault that he didn't belong. He had forgotten what family felt like.

Arthur was extremely worried for Alfred. He had regained consciousness but seemed absent, not moving at all. Arthur noticed Alfred's head was always tilted down when Arthur would switch positions by Alfred's bed with Francis. Francis and Arthur worked together to keep the other children on the correct schedule. Arthur seemed to be helping Alfred more than Francis. They knew that Alfred retreated deeper into himself, probably scared that they would kick him out or leave him to the wolves. They weren't that kind of people. They would heal Alfred and take care of him for however long he needed them. First, they had to prove that they wouldn't abandon him. 

Francis picked up the book that Arthur was reading to Alfred, opening it up and reading from where Arthur left off. Alfred started to relax by a fraction, his eyes darting over at Francis occasionally. Francis just kept reading, voice soft and constant. Alfred fell asleep thirty minutes later. Francis placed the bookmark in place, spotting Matthew lurking in the hallway. 

"What's wrong, ma petite feuille d'érable?" Francis whispered, standing up and walking towards the door. Matthew shrugged, avoiding the searching eyes of his papa.

"Why is Alfred not interacting with us? Why does he just sit there doing nothing?" Matthew asked concern and jealousy warring with each other inside him. 

"Your father and I believe that he is scared of being abandoned or of having a family be ripped from him again. He grew up in the military after his father died in the air raid. He's been on his own for eleven years. Could you watch over him while I make dinner?" Francis finally caught Matthew"s eyes, understanding flashing in his own eyes. "We are not replacing you or the others. Your Brothers and you are important and so very loved. We will not forget you. Alfred just needs to learn that he can trust us to be there for him. Remember when we adopted Austin? It took a while for him to settle in and trust us. Alfred needs more time and needs people to fight some of his battles for him."

Matthew nodded, feeling guilty for the jealousy that he was feeling. He was given a brief hug by his papa, who also kissed his forehead. He realized that Alfred didn't get to feel this love for at least ten years. He never realized that he had taken his family for granted. Matthew carefully entered the room, sitting in the chair his parents had been sitting in for the last couple of days, actually studying Alfred. He looked younger when he slept. He looked about the same size as Peter and even the same age when Alfred was sleeping peacefully. Matthew didn't know what to do to help Alfred. 

Francis watched Austin, Leon, and Peter, playing video games quietly. They were all good kids. most of the children were from Arthur and his previous marriages. Matthew's mother had been with Francis and a few other people at the same time. No one knew the truth until she up and disappeared after Matthew's birth. They knew that Peter was Matthew's half-sibling, the name of the mother being the same. Most of their children had been surprises from different women just left on their doorsteps. Somehow, each child was related to them or their siblings that lived out of the country.  Arthur had a heart of gold and adopted every single child. Most of their children had grown up and left the nest but there were still ten children in the house. Marie, Aiti, Jose, and Luciano were at their last high school ballet show. Arthur drove them to it, smiling at the pictures that he sent to Francis, who couldn't attend as he was home with the kids who didn't want to come to the show for the ninth time. Francis was so proud of all of them. Six of the children were about to graduate early in two days and go to the college of their choice.

An amazing smell drifted from the kitchen. Matthew felt his stomach grumble. Papa was making hamburgers, hot dogs, mac and cheese, duck, and a few other dishes. Alfred started to frown and shake his head. Matthew decided to wake him up, knowing the meal would be ready in a few minutes as an hour or two had passed. Alfred was silent as always as they made their way down to the kitchen. Matthew just wanted Alfred to smile. 

Alfred barely even made any sound. He ate, letting the conversations pass over his head. Francis asked a question to him. He hadn't heard it but he didn't want to talk anyways. Francis sighed, repeating the question. It was something about school. Alfred hated school. It was so boring and he had enough degrees to last him a lifetime. Matthew answered whatever question, quoting whatever Kiku had told him. Alfred had zoned out again, not noticing the Shock on Francis' face.

"I'm sorry. Could you repeat the number of degrees he currently holds?" Francis wished that he had known about this beforehand. No wonder the teachers weren't worried about Alfred missing school. The principal had called, telling him that Alfred was welcome to attend when he could for socialization. All the pieces were falling into place. The final picture being painted was horrible.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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