Chapter 3- Uninvited Guests

Start from the beginning

" Hello everybody, it's good to meet you " and then Wayne turned his head and said to the guy behind him " you too . "

" Enough chitchat, now tell us about you. " Said Sara

" What would you like to know about me? " Asked Wayne

" Where you from ?
Where did you get that that plane ?
What are you doing here ? In this city ? " Asked Sara

" Well.... classified, classified and classified. I can't answer any of this " said Wayne.

After hearing his response, Sara looked him right in the eye with a smile. He saw it and smiled back. All of a sudden, he saw her fist coming at him. He fell backwards. His lips become numb, he saw blood dripping down from it. It took him a couple of seconds to realize that she hit him in the face.

" Damn.... What was that for " asked Wayne.

" Well it's classified " said Sara. Wayne overheard everyone laughing and watching him. And he knew how much they loved it.

" If you don't say what we want to know, we're not going to let you go. You can be our prisoner for the unforeseen future " said Ashton

" I'm not telling you anything, at least not yet." Said Wayne

"Take him " Said Samuel

They covered his eyes with some fabric, and began to walk. Minutes later, Wayne started to hear sounds from above, people talking. He tried to stop and listen, but somebody pushed him and asked to move. Then, after a few extra steps, they all stopped and told him to stop, then they took off his blindfold.

" If you're uncooperative, you can spend your time here." Said Sara

It was a small space in the tunnel. The place was filthy, covered in dust, webs, and reeks of disgusting smell. It was a little dark and there are tunnels all around.

" Is that where you live?" said Wayne.

" No, but it's your new home now " said Ashton.

"Come on, we just met. How can I tell what is your intentions are. I don't know anything about you " Said Wayne

" Do you want to know who we are...? We are nobody, we are just survivors of this fricking world. We try to survive with what we have and go to bed wondering if we see another sunrise. We are just normal people trying to avoid certain death " Sara replied.

Wayne sensed that anger and pain in those words, but he wasn't ready to tell them who he really is.

" Let's make a deal. I'll say everything about myself eventually, but you must trust me. I will to trust you as much as you trusts me. Let's discuss this later. Now just look at me, is there a reason why I should be tied down ? I'm injured and tired. I haven't had much food. I'm dehydrated. To what extent am I a threat to you?" Wayne asked them.

They all started talking to one another. Ashton told them to move further away from Wayne . But Wayne could still hear them, arguing, whispering, making points. Then, for a few seconds, they all became silent. And then he saw them raise their hands, with the exception of Sara. Even in the dim light, he knew it was Sara who didn't raise her hand.

" Okay, we'll agree to your request, but it will cost you." Said Samuel.

" What do you want ? " asked Wayne

" We need access to your plane, and you need to answer all of our questions..... EVENTUALLY " This time it was Ashton.

" Well, I have to think about the deal " said Wayne

" Well, it's now or never. The deal closes in five minutes. And we want to get to your plane in the morning. " Said Samuel

" Alright, alright. I agree with those demands. " Said Wayne with disappointment

" Mhhm.... But if you try anything stupid, say, try to flee, escape, or try to kill someone. We will ensure that, it will be the last thing you will do in this life, you understand ?" Samuel clearly expressed his intentions.

" Do I look like a killer to you? I will do no such thing. Frankly, I'm not even sure where I am. Run where ? Escape where ? Im completely blank. " Wayne replied

" Alright " said Samuel

Jackson cut him loose. Then they began to walk. On the next turn in the tunnel Wayne saw a ladder. All of them started climbing. Samuel was the first to climb, and he knocked on the piece of metal blocking the entrance. Somebody heard him on the other side and opened the door. Wayne climbed second to last. When he was on the last step of the ladder, he saw one hand coming at him, it was Samuel's, he pulled Wayne up, and said

"Welcome To Our Camp"

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