Chapter 28: Shen Yitiao

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From Zhou Jing saying "Go." to Li Xu kneeling and prostrating, Shen Jintai had mastered the rhythm between these scenes perfectly. If he moves too fast, the tension will disappear. If he moves too slowly, the tempo of the scene would be lost*.

*Clarity: in terms of this scene where Zhou Jing dismisses Li Xu who's currently kneeling, the author is trying to point out the "rhythm" is Li Xu's movement that Shen Jintai is acting out. If he moves too quickly, the built-up tension leading up to the scene would be lost, if he moves too slowly, it can drag out the scene. The point is these things can affect how the audience feels when watching these characters in the show. That's my take anyways. I don't know much about acting so if another expert can chime in that would be great.

Song Wei also went to the back of the monitor to watch a close-up of Shen Jintai. The tears seemed to be there, and the dampness was just right. Knowing how to act properly is a very difficult thing, especially for young actors.

Bai Qingquan's acting skills were relatively good for the younger generation, but his performance was more based on external acting* and are not advanced enough.

*External acting = acting from the outside; originates externally through skills, like vocal and physical training, imitating actual behavior.

Director Guo was an experience cinematographer who knew how to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses. Shen Jintai's performance was delicate and calm, so he had more close-ups. Bai Qingquan was beautiful, but the finer details weren't as good, so he mainly focused on the beauty aspect. During the performance, the scene looked very discordant. However, adjustments from the lens made the shot more textured and aesthetically pleasing.

Producer Zhang said to Gao Qiao: "You can rest assured that both of them can hold their scene."

Gao Qiao said nothing. He sent the video to Yan Qiuchi. Shen Jintai had acted so well. Is this still the same Shen Jintai with his pompous acting?

Zheng Siqi was also watching from the side nervously. At night would be his bed scene with Shen Jintai. After watching Shen Jintai's performance in the morning, he was even more shocked than the others.

After a whole day of filming, Shen Jintai earned another nickname: "Shen Yitiao*."

*Clarity: basically referring to how good he is that most his shot are done with 1 take.

As soon as he entered the nanny's car, Bai Qingquan's face darkened. The assistant didn't dare to breathe. Wei Ge got in and said: "Tired?"

Bai Qingquan didn't answer. He was in a bad mood. He thought his acting skills were good among the younger generation. Who knew that he became so weak-minded when he acted against Shen Jintai today. With every breath, line, and expression from Shen Jintai made him feel emptier the more he looked at them.

How could this happen! How could this happen!

Shen Jintai had retired from the circle for two years, yet he was easily overtaken by him today!

Xiao Tang was so excited that he couldn't help but share this with the "Gold Powder Family".

The gold powder was looking forward to seeing their brother act and Xiao Tang had promised to talk about the shooting situation today.

Xiao Tang: "The crew didn't allow us to take pictures, otherwise I really wanted to record a video to share with you all. I can only say that Brother Jin performed spectacularly. The director even gave him the nickname, Shen Yitiao!"

The gold powders screamed. They were deeply curious now.

Shen Jintai said that he had been studying acting for the past two years. Is it true?

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