Adrian was in shock, there were no words to describe it, he knew what the kistune had said was all true, he couldn't be lied to therefore all he said was true, he just couldn't get to the accepting part of things, things were certainly different this time. This man whoever he was, he was out for blood and Adrian had one more life to worry about besides his own or his mate, their child. So he breathed in deep, he couldn't afford to weaken now. "Ari is the bad man gone?" Mark whispered as he finally came out from his hiding spot behind Adrian. "He's gone sweetie, let's go home, we can buy our lunch on the way and eat it in the movie room, watching a movie." Ari suggested as Mark nodded. "Don't forget your stuff." He reminded and the boy quickly grabbed his stuff and another random item.

"That was intense, thanks for the protection." Mags muttered as Adrian nodded, she further grabbed the boys and helped them over the counter to where Ari was. "Thanks for watching them." He told Mags who waved him off. "I've known them since they were two, they're practically my little brothers too, now you take care, I know you must be shaken up." Mags added and Ari just chuckled. "Shaken is not the word but yeah, —best we get home, here." Adrian explained handing over his card, he paid for all his items. "Hey Mark, you were brave kid, I added two for you." Linda called out as she gave Mark the candy. "Thanks." He beamed before joining his brothers, they walked out of the shop and to the car which seemed perfectly intact, at least the scary kitsune didn't touch it but Ari couldn't help want to be safe.

He snapped his finger and all their items appeared in the car, then he held out his hand open and created a portal, it was large enough to fit the mercedes so he waved it over the car sending it through a purification gate and a portal back home. "Martin, port us home." Adrian told the boy who nodded eagerly as they held hands and in an instant they appeared in front of their large home, it's safety putting them all at ease. "I couldn't get past the wards on the house." Martin whined as Ari chuckled in delight. "I'd be worried if you could." He told him as he began typing furiously on his phone. "So I ordered, wraps, burgers and pizza, we have juice at home so no need for that, anything else you boys want?" He mentioned to the three who nodded right then. "Chicken fingers!" They all yelled before running toward their papa giggling.

"Hey there, —my beautiful boys, I hope you didn't tire out your brother." Nik stated as they refused. "We only went to Demair then here papa." Kent argued as Nik nodded. "Alright, just checking, —get inside, I already got your stuff from the car." He told them and they giggled running in. "Are you alright?" Nik demanded as Adrian nodded but despite his self control, he moved so fast and hugged Nik. "There there my love, you're here, —you're home, safe." Nik reassured as Adrian couldn't help it and cried, it was the build up of emotion that he'd been pushing down, ever since Neill came around, Kyle's betrayal, the game that got ruined, now this incident, it was all beginning to be too much and he hated it, couldn't he be normal, just have his family be normal, so he cried, cried until he felt better in the arms of a true father, he did not waver, doubt or break, he was there, he would be his stronghold.

"Every time I think I've pushed through the darkness, something comes and drags me back into it, I'm so tired pops." Adrian confessed as he wiped away what remained of his tears. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but sometimes that's how fate works, we are given the burden it knows we can carry despite how heavy it definitely is, and we have no choice, but you're not alone, you're never alone, you have a support system unlike anything else, we are here for you along with this baby and we will stand with you, —I will stand with you, always." He reassured and Ari nodded hugging him again, tightly, it just felt nice to have his father hold him and assure him, it would be okay.

"So what happened?" Nik asked as they sat my the porch, the afternoon sun warming them up. "His name is Jose Malain of the fallen house of Malain, he's Jax's uncle, also the man who wanted to kill him when he was born with more claim over the clan, he believes all wolves should feel what was done to his people, and he will attack once he finds the golem source, he's been watching us for a long time, he knows us more than anyone else, it's how he found Jax, how he found me, he has a growing network of spies in the city, and he's aiming to garner the support of Neill, and the other Sovietro siblings to overthrow the patriarch wheh his plans have been completed, —he won't sit on the patriarchal seat, he'll have one of the siblings do that, so he can control everything from the shadows." Ari revealed and all of it was shocking.

"I thought Jax was free of his burden, Jose is a dangerous man and an even more powerful mystic, he was only over thrown because Jax's mother sacrificed herself and her mate to strip him of his power and imprison him, it seems he got out, but not at full power, I'm guessing that's why he wants the golem source." Nik responded as Ari sighed, but the golem source was a myth to everyone else, but not to him. "There's something else isn't there?" Nik stated and he couldn't deny it. "When we were at Jax's game, a woman came to me and warned me about Jose, I thought she was an ancestor, but today confirmed my suspicion, Jose is holding her captive, she's a hybrid fae and vampire, a rare combination which gives her abilities none of the normal species would have, he's holding her captive, I don't know where and I'm scared because she's outrun her use." Ari explained and he could feel the conflict that bubbled in Nik.

"We can't let her die, she's innocent." He mumbled and Ari agreed but the how to help part was missing. "How do we do that?" Ari asked and Nik stood up patting him on the back. "I'll call your dad and Enzo to come home right away, Jax was already on his way to the cafe, they can come together, sit tight sweetheart, your pops has got this." Nik assured as he left Ari by the porch who nodded but he also needed answers, yet first protection, so he allowed his power to take over and his physical being completely vanished, then he summoned magic in the form of glowing orange runes that circled in his palm. "Protectus navidante veltus khatur." He cast the spell as he activated a spell that had been dormant for a very long time since he first cast it and created another version of it when they moved to their new home, the deity's blood protection.

Once he was done he breathed deep, he needed answers and he knew the one place to get them and also make sure the source was safe, a gate way opened as the orange symbols on Adrian's arm glowed again, he walked through the milky white swirling vortex and once he was on the other side it closed. "Adrian, what a pleasant surprise." The older woman stated as she stood by the door to her quaint cabin in the woods. "Granma!" Adrian hurriedly hugged the woman, he'd missed her so much. "I've missed you too, —look at you, you're so big and healthy, my great grand son as well, I'm so happy and proud of you my child." She appreciated as Adrian just happily smiled and hugged her even more.

"I know a lot has happened and you want answers, but first come inside, meet everyone." She suggested and Adrian nodded walking inside but he couldn't help notice a large statue of a black kitsune in the distance, next to it was of a wolf, next was a jagur, then he noticed that these scattered statues represented the were clans. "We will explain everything, but first you get off your feet." His granma coaxed and he nodded going inside where several more people were waiting for him, the ancestors of his line.


Saint Jay.

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