"Hi," I said as walked up to Paris and Maeva. "How are you both?"

"I'm good thank you." Paris said. 

"Good, surprised I've been invited to be honest." Maeva said. 

"I'm more surprised with the frostiness I've received from you." Liv said. "I just wanted to see what the problem was."

"I think I'm going to speak for Inga here and I just don't understand why you dropped her basically."

"I didn't drop her, she was the one who started this whole situation and had the cheek to speak to me like a piece of shit in the middle of a nightclub."

"But do you know what's going on with her right now? She's split up with this boy and she sees you spending so much time with Sam Prince."

"Sam Prince I have known for 5 years, Inga I have known for 5 months." Liv argued. "It's two very different things."

"I know that,"

"She burnt that bridge when she basically called me a bitch, of course if I was still friends with her I would be supporting her and helping her, but we're not. I will still be friends with Sam Prince even when she's crying about it. But are you putting more attention on this because of other things that might be going on right now?"

"Well Inga..."

"I think she means James." I said. "What's going on with James?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I presume you've seen the video that's circulating?" Liv said. 

"Do we really need to talk about?"

"Yes, no seriously I want to know what's going on. When I saw that video I was shocked because James isn't like that so what's going on between the two of you."

"Everything is honestly fine, when James gets drunk he can get a bit like that. A bit too close, a bit too flirty."

"We're talking about full on cheating here though." Liv said. "Like that's the big issue. Him kissing someone"

"What do you mean?"

"This is what I've been told through Rez and then Ruby. So they saw James kissing a girl in the corner of the club, they've then gone over and told him to leave and put him in a taxi."

"Are you alright?" I asked noticing her watering eyes.

"Well no I'm not. I don't know, I'm going to speak to him. He's obviously being idiot James when he's drunk and after 3 years I don't deserve that. He has been a fucking idiot and if that's the truth I will break up with him."

"He doesn't deserve you if that's true, he's brought it on himself." I told her. "Drunk or not."


Instead of going out tonight Digby invited Gareth, Ollie and I over to his house for a little double date. 

"I feel like we haven't done this in so long." I told them as we prepared the pizza for our outside pizza oven. "This feels like when I brought you along to properly speak to them before we made it official."

"That feels like a lifetime ago." 

"How are you two?" Gareth asked. "Any drama?"

"Thankfully not, I get enough couple drama just speaking to all the girls. There was a little bit of tension between Emma and I but I just squashed it the other night, I don't know her well enough to care about her opinion and what she thinks about us."


"Liv actually messaged me the other morning after we went out because there's been some more drama between her and Sam Prince, apparently they've kissed and Inga knows about it." I told them all."

"Inga can do what she likes and I know she's quite a head strong girl but I just think if she gets back with him now she's being stupid. Like this guy has continued to mug her off again and again." Ollie said. 

"I get he's probably just immature and whatever but it's actually really hurtful." I told them. "Like he's almost gone to the people she hated the most right now and made the situation so much worse."


"What do you think Maeva is going to do?" Gareth asked.

"I also spoke to her the other night but she hadn't spoken to James. She was angry though at even the thought of it, like they've been together 3 years. I think kissing someone should be just a you're out of here, holding hands was bad enough."

"James knows he's in the wrong." Digby said. "He's just so drunk that he doesn't have a clue what happened to give her a straight answer."

"I almost don't understand why he's put himself in that situation if he can't handle the alcohol." Ollie said. "Like surely you can tell yourself when to stop."

"Maybe we should talk about something more cheerful." I said. "Have you two got any plans for the summer?"

"Obviously we're still going to be keeping to the surrogate schedule and trying to get that sorted as soon as possible. I think the plan is to go away a few times and get some sun, maybe Greece again." Gareth said. 

"We liked Greece." Ollie confirmed. "What about you two?"

"I don't know that depends if Emma's inviting us back to her place." I joked with Digby.

"Ha ha." He sarcastically laughed. "I don't know, we've both said that for a while now we want to do a bit more travelling. Maybe somewhere in Asia, bit of Island hopping."

"I've always wanted to do that." I said. "Whilst we're both young and carefree I think now is the time to get our travelling out, go and see the world. Make some memories."

"That's the best way to do it."


****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter. 

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