Girls United

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****Willow's POV****

A couple of days after Digby's birthday, Ollie was holding a little dinner party for our little family. Tabitha and Ottille have also now moved in with us and Liv was coming over. Gareth and Digby though sadly couldn't make it so it was just going to be us girls and Ollie. I therefore decided to go and treat us all to some flowers but as I walked in I found Habbs and Verity stood looking at all the flowers. 

"Hi lovely

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"Hi lovely." Habbs came over and gave me a big hug. "How are you? We missed you the other night."

"I'm really good thanks, I heard you had an amazing night."

"Hi Willow." Verity said, giving me a small hug. I did feel like what she did to Inga at the country house was wrong but it's not my place to hold a grudge so I had no bad feelings towards her, especially not due to the fact she had been on a date with Miles. 

"What are you both doing here?"

"I'm obsessed with flowers at the moment." Habbs said. 

"Is it because of the wedding? You're just surrounded by flowers all the time."

"I feel a bit like Paris Hilton. But come on Verity, tell me all about you and Miles because I've been hearing lots of different things now. I'm going to be honest I find the whole thign a bit funny just because I never would have put the two of you together."

"No I completely agree, but do you know what he surprised me and we just had a blast together."

"That's really sweet." I said. 

"Yeah, look I'm not going to look too far into it..."

"Did you kiss?" Habbs asked. "Was it good?"

"Yes and yes. Really good."


"Yeah and there were a few kisses, they kind of went on through the night."

"How do you feel about all this?" Habbs turned to me. 

"Oh really this is just like you're talking about a random guy. Miles and I left it without any bad blood so I just want him to be happy and it seems like the two of you are having fun together."

"I've got to be honest, the most exciting thing for was telling Ruby."


"She was like 'what?'"

"Which bit was she shocked about?"

"The kiss, she feels like there's an ulterior motive. Like she thinks he's doing it to piss Tristan off."

"Honestly, cool. I think we're just two people having fun."

"You're honestly making me want to be sick in my mouth." I made sure to keep the sarcasm high in my voice so she knew I was joking. 

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