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*****Willow's POV****

Once Emma had gone I finally allowed myself to enjoy the night and have a good time with Digby and the girls. I was more than a little tipsy by the time that we left but thankfully Digby looked after me and made sure we made it home safely before passing out to be woken up by a full hangover the next morning. 

A few days later Liv messaged to see if I wanted to go out for lunch with her, Tabitha and Emily, which of course I accepted. 

"This is a lot more civilised than the raunchy party we were at the other night." Liv told Tabitha who was not able to go. 

"Don't we all love a bit of leather and lace." Emily commented. 

"Wait what? Was this just you three?" Tabitha asked. 

"Yeah just us three in the middle of London." Emily said. "There was quite a lot of people there. I mean Maeva she looked incredible but I could see what she had for dinner."

"It was so much fun." Liv said and then turned to Emily. "You and Miles made me laugh so much, I don't know how anything hasn't happened between you before like you have such a flirty friendship."

"I love the friendship that we have so much though. It's hard because if we did every overstep that line..."

"You want to date though don't you?" I asked.

"Each week's different for me. Harv and I are trying to be friends in some sort of way so soon and it's just not working for me. He keeps asking to come back to the flat but that's my flat and it's not his home anymore."


"He then comes up and says he needs to grab something so I'm like right then I'll go for a walk. He'll then be like 'where are you, I'll come see you' and I'm like 'no don't do that because I don't want to see you'."

"He's not your problem anymore." I told her. 

"Talking about problems," Liv said. "You got quite tipsy the other night. Looked like you were letting loose."

"Yeah, for weeks there's been this tension with Emma, you mentioned it and people have mentioned it. Then the other night came over and she kept making little comments that were getting to me so I just said everything I had to say."

"What did you say?" Emily asked. 

"I just told her like Digby and I have been through so much and her little comments are doing nothing so she should just stop. Like I don't know how people have that much energy to be invested in someone's relationship. Go hang out with some other boys."

"So I think Rez is organising a boy's night tonight to cheer James up after everything that happened in Yorkshire." Liv said. 

"Is James allowed out for boys night?"

"Well normally James looses his mind on boys night." Emily said. "He gets so drunk and then takes off his top swinging it about as his little party trick."

"Shall we do a girls night tomorrow?" Liv asked. 


"I actually can't come tomorrow night, Miles and I have had this dinner planned for so long that I just can't get out of it."

"Date night?"

"Absolutely not a date night."

"Keep telling yourself that babe. Well ours will be a friends night and that means one person definitely is not coming."

"Inga." I confirmed. 

"That sounds mean, I don't want it to be but I just also want to have fun and I don't want it to be awkward."

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