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****Willow's POV****

Arriving in Cornwall I could already feel myself becoming more relaxed, the little cottage was so cute and homely nestled in acres of farmland and a little walk from the coast. I hadn't actually seen Tristan as he was apparently cutting up some wood for the fire but he'd left some flowers for me, which was actually very sweet.

I found Gareth and Ollie in the main room, all of us in big jumpers gathered around the fire.

"This is so delightful

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"This is so delightful." I told them.

"I know. There's just something about the British countryside, all drizzly and homely." Ollie said.

"I can remember we used to come down here quite a lot as a family when we were younger. I was quite a pro surfer back then."

"We became official in Cornwall." Gareth added.

"Exclusive." Ollie confirmed.

"It was April fools day as well."

"How are you feeling about the wedding then?" I asked them.

"The issue I've got is that Liv has planned tonight and I've got no idea what she's got planned for us."

"She'll have all sorts planned for you."

"I personally think it should be a beautiful black tie affair."

"I don't think that's going to happen with Liv Bentley involved, it's more likely to include cock straws and strippers."

"There better be little Canapés though and vaul-e-vaunts." Gareth said. "Puff pastry with prawn inside is my idea of heaven."

"This is all he wants." Ollie laughed.

"It's a good group though. Are you happy with everyone that's here?"

"I didn't know whether you was going to invite Tristan but as long as you're happy with it then I'm fine with it."

"I just thought it's so hard trying to spend time together in London when we can't be closer than 2m away from each other. He said the other day that he wanted to fight for me and this gives him the perfect opportunity to do so."

"I agree."

Just then Liv and Will came through the door to join us. Will clad in just the bottom half of his surfer's gear.

"I feel like we haven't really met yet." I told him. "I'm Willow."

"Will; it's very nice to meet you."

"Did you have a nice surf?" I asked.

"That was probably one of the best surfs I've had in a long time."

"Was it cold?"

"It was manageable."

"Ollie you're staring man." I told him. "It's like you've never seen a male chest before."

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