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I used to be afraid of the darkness; the monsters it kept within. Hiding them from the world so they were unable to be captured, but able to still torment. I would lie in bed wondering if any monsters would visit me, flinching at the smallest creak and the smallest sounds. Then day would come, and my fear would vanish thinking monsters couldn't get me in the light. Fearing when the night would come and the monsters would be realised again. Grabbing at me, whispering torments in my ear. Not realising that the whispering torments were trying to protect me. Because even when I was afraid of the dark, the dark already knew I would be the ruler. The Queen of the monsters.

The day that made me forget my fear of the dark started as any normal day would. I was getting ready for school with my twin - Brit. Thinking back I should have realised then that I couldn't trust her. We were only 10 years old but she was already wearing the smallest skirts whereas I was wondering the largest jumpers. She would comment on my outfits saying, 'eww what's that' and ' I can't believe we are related'. Back then I thought It was harmless teasing. Little did I know that she meant every word, every whisper she spoke.

I trusted her completely. Telling her my darkest thoughts, Telling her how I loved Seb in more than a friends way. I thought we told everything to each other, turns out I knew nothing about her yet she knew everything about me.

We were at school when the hard truth that my twin disliked me hit me like a tonne of bricks. I was escaping a maths lesson. I was sprinting to our meet up place. Every Lunch and Break Me, Seb and my twin brothers - Ethan and Ben would meet up outside. Near the canopy of trees, hidden away from everyone else. As I was rounding a corner, my entire world spun on its axis. I saw Brit kissing Seb. The one person I shared everything with kissing the one boy I liked. The worst part, after the Kiss Brit looked directly at me and smirked with a mischievous glint in her eye. That's when I knew she only kissed Seb because she knew I liked him. She wanted to hurt me, destroy me.

Time seemed to slow down. I was only watching for a couple of seconds but it felt like years. After I managed to break free of the spell I was under, I fled. Turned on my heel and sprinted down the corridor, out the doors until I was at my escape. There was this place near my school, it has a clear blue lake. It was my secret place. The one thing I never told Brit, because I wanted it to be just be mine.

I can't remember how long I was staring at the lake. My tears mixing with it, causing ripples to form. Before, I knew realised it, it was dark outside. The moon was up, causing sinister shadows to form. I sprinted home, jumping over shadows thinking they wanted to capture me. Now I know they were trying to protect me for what was going to happen. They wanted to keep me safe, but I was too scared to realise.

When I arrived home, I expected my family to be worried. Angry even that i was gone all day. What I didn't anticipate was looks of hatred and disgust shining in their eyes. I should have run away then. Run back to the darkness, that years later is now my home. However, I ignored the warnings and stepped into the house I used to call home.

Before, I was fully inside my dad grabbed my arm so forcefully that it brought tears to my eyes. He was hurting me, I asked him to let me go. I basked my brothers to stop him but they all looked at me like I deserved it.

'Explain yourself,' Dad speaks. His voice cold yet controlled. I thought he was talking about why I left school early but I was wrong. 'I...I...I needed to get away so I went to my secret place,' I replied. My voice trailing over into a whisper, my eyes over flowing with tears, afraid of what my dad was going to do.

Before, I registered what happened I was already on the floor. Looking up at my father, while my hand held my cheek. The stinging sensation, the only thing I could focus on for a minute. Before, I processed that my Dad just hit me.

I was hit again in the face, causing the pain to intensify. Feeling spit on my face As Dad was shouting at me. I tried to focus on what he was saying over the pain in my cheek. 'Listen, I was talking about beating up your sister,' he shouts. All I could do was gape at him. Opening and closing my mouth, looking like a fish. I was at a loss for words. I didn't even know Brit was beaten up and how could he think it was me. Before, I could reply I finally noticed Brit huddling in the corner being held my Seb. I didn't know what hurt more. Seeing my sister with a sinister glint in her eyes. Demonstrating to me that she wasn't hurt in the least but just wanted me gone or seeing Seb consoling her and looking at me with such disgust as well as just staring as I was slapped. I could hear my heart break at that moment. Because this was the moment when I realised I shouldn't fear the dark but should fear my own family.

I was once again grabbed by the arm by my dad. Hauled across the door and thrown on the gravel floor outside. Causing my skin to open up. I screamed in pain. 'You are leaving now go,' he yelled. No remorse in his tone. No regret in his eyes. Before, I could respond I saw my dad turn to someone and say, 'Jeff take her to the place I texted you and go no,' he ordered.

Even though Jeff grabbed my arm gently, I still flinched expecting pain. Its weird how someone can adjust to expecting pain so quickly. jeff gave me a sympathetic look, before taking me into the car and strapping me in. I was too numb to do it myself. Still trying to process what just happened. How could they kick their 10 year old daughter and sister out.

'Its going to be okay Kid,' I heard Jeff say, not realising that my house was already in the distance. 'I'm sure, they will forgive you soon and you can come back home,' How wrong he was for thinking that. And how wrong was I for believing him. That I would be brought back. However, over-time that belief disappeared. Until I knew that it wasn't going to happen.

The car stopped outside of a building that looked abandoned. I saw Jeff double checking to see if it was the right place before saying,' I guess this is it Kid. take care of yourself,'. So, I stepped out of the car, with noting but the clothes on by back, because my family didn't care enough to let me grab belongings. Before, I even made it a couple of steps a man came out grabbing my hand forcefully and saying, 'ah, you must me the new recruit. I mean child,' I should have ran at his first mistake but I brushed it of and followed the man in. Looking constantly over my shoulder at Jeff, seeking some comfort. I saw him smile at me and I smiled back. I think that was the last time I smiled. To innocent to realise that I wouldn't be capable of smiling again for a very long time.

'Where are you taking me,' I spoke. My voice choked from all the crying I have done. However, he didn't answer me by Just pushed me into a concrete block. With one metal seat in the chair. I sat down cautiously about to speak, wondering what is happening. But, I was quickly stopped by a fist to the face. A heard a crush and then a wailing noise. I took a second for me to realise I made the wailing noise because this man just broke my nose.

'Now, first lesson don't cry its weak,' the man said while closing and locking the door. This was the first time I realised I couldn't escape and this was to become my first life because no-one was coming to help me or coming to save me. Those words echo in my ears constantly, even years later. The man didn't stop his assault until I stopped crying. That was the day I stopped crying. That day I stopped a lot of things: Thinking my family loved me, caring for my family, crying, laughing, smiling and even fearing the dark. That day I became someone else. Someone that didn't fear monster, because I was one myself. Instead everyone feared me because I was the monster. The queen of Monsters.

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